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I slip on my glasses as I walk down the school hall with all my books in (my) hand.
If you dont know who I am, my name is Alex. Alex Guzman, and this is my story.

As you know, I am of course a nerd. It never used to be like this, until I got my glasses. I used to look 'normal' and I had quite the amount of friends anyone would want. I was liked by all until I suddenly came to school with glasses, of course. People looked at me in disgust and didn't want me to hang out with them anymore because I didn't look "cool enough". It was like I had lost all my friends in an instant.
I remember the day I had gotten my glasses. I had needed them because my eyes had gotten 'worse' and I could barely see the board anymore. After a while of having my glasses, everyone has kinda forgotten who I am. They dont even know my name. All they call me anymore is "nerd" or "little nerd". I guess thats something but I wanna be known again. I want someone to atleast know my name. Whatever it takes I'll do it. I'll be popular again someday. I know it.


"Oh hey, little nerd. Watcha doin'? Writing in that.. Journal?"

I looked up to see John, one of my former friends. John started talking again before I could reply.

"Nerd stuff, right?"
"Y-yeah I guess.."

I straighten my glasses while trying to process what just happened. The bell suddenly rings and I rush to class. I take a seat as I watch everyone else storm in the classroom, the mischievous boys throwing paper airplanes and the girls talking to eachother.

"Alright, alright! Take a seat."
The teacher mumbles. He starts to talk about random upcoming activities while I quietly draw in my notebook.

"Hey, hey you!" I feel someone tapping on my shoulder as I look back to see my crush, Lucoa.
"O-h, wg-hat? Yes!?"
"Do you have a pencil I can barrow?" she smiles.
"Y-yea sure!" I get nervous as I quickly pull out a pencil and hand it to her.
"No problem."
I turn back as I continue to draw, still confused as of why she would talk to me.
"Weird.." I mutter.


♣ Little Nerd | { alex guzman }Where stories live. Discover now