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Its the next day and I can barely get out of bed because of how tired I am from staying up almost all night studying for the big tests. But there's not really any other choice, unless I wanna fail, or cheat.. But that's not an option.

I quickly stumble out of bed and get ready, as I'm almost late. I'm rushing to get ready so fast that without noticing I had put on 2 different socks, but hurried out the door anyway.

at school

I begin to fumble around in my locker, trying to get my books before the bell rings, as I see Lucoa coming my way from the corner of my eye. I quickly act like I'm doing nothing as she walks past. I continue to look at her as she stops at this other boys locker that's a few lockers down from mine.

Hm.. Wonder what she's doing at his locker..

I keep looking at her, even though her back is to me, and I see a guy in front of her going to his locker where she's standing. I faintly hear him talking to her then he kisses her. After a few seconds, he notices me looking at him and makes a fist at me and gives me a mean look.

"Hey nerd, what you lookin' at?!"

I look away fast, trying not to make a deal out of it as I brush it off.

"Well.. See you later I guess.." I heard Lucoa say as she sighs.

I hear footprints coming near me and my first instinct is to walk away fast, because it could be him.

I try to walk faster, but then I feel someone touching my shoulder. I take a deep breath as I turn around and see Lucoa.

"O-oh, hi!"
"Hi, umm.. What's your name again?"
"Umm.. A-alex.. I used to not have glasses.."
"O-oh yeah.. Alex.. I remember you. You were popular until you got your glasses.. What happened?"
"Mm.. Y-yeah.. That's nothing, people just didn't recognize me.."
"That's horrible.. I did though.. Its easy to recognize you"

she laughs to herself awkwardly, while looking at me and I can't help but to blush.

"So.. Anyways I just wanted to give you back the pencil that I borrowed yesterday, because I forgot to give it to you."

"O-oh.. Thanks Lucoa.."

the bell rings.

"Well.. G-gotta go.."

I walk off in a rush, still flustered about what happened.


I get my food and sit down at a table by myself, the usual routine, until Lucoa walks up to me again.

"Hey Alex, just wanted to give you an invitation to the party that I'm having for my birthday. Its tomorrow.. Friday night."

"Oh, I didn't know it was your birthday..!"
"Yeah.. It's fine, you don't have to get me anything though. Just hope you can be there!"

She walks off, leaving my by myself again. I quietly scream to myself, "Yes!" While I pump my fist in the air, but I'm not paying attention as I hit my arm on the table.



♣ Little Nerd | { alex guzman }Where stories live. Discover now