Chapter 25 ~ Sage

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Sage's POV 

What the fuck just happened?

Did Chase and I really just kiss?

This can't be happening. Shit. Shit. Shit.

It all happened so quickly. We were so close. He lifted his hand and brushed my cheek, creating my pulse to quicken. His gaze was soft and tentative. My heart was beating a million miles per minute. At that moment I knew there was nothing I wanted more than his lips on mine.

His lips were soft and as soon as they met mine fireworks erupted inside me. I have never felt this way before and the feeling alone is starting to scare me.

I think back to all the moments we have spent together over the last few weeks. Moments where I could have sworn he had hated me. But we were always flirting. Even if we didn't realise it at the time. As the weeks passed he began to open up more and more to me. And then tonight. Tonight, he really opened up.

I couldn't believe how much he told me about his childhood and fighting. I could never even imagine being in his position. And yet he decided that I was someone worth telling. Someone worth spending time with.

I turn my gaze to where Chase is sleeping on the ground in my bedroom. I can tell by his deep breathing he is asleep. Good, he needs the rest.

What if it was just in the moment though? We were close and it was late. What if it's just a pointless kiss to him? I can't help the pain that runs through my heart as I even consider that thought. I don't want it to be a meaningless kiss to him because I know it definitely wasn't meaningless to me.

The kiss was interrupted by his phone buzzing. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if it had never buzzed. Would we be in even deeper over our heads then we are currently?

Thank god my dad had left again. I don't even know why he returned home to begin with but what I overhead on the phone just shone a light on the truth of Chase's story. Brett had been seen on the outskirts of town tonight. Chase had also seen him. If someone were to find out they were in the same place at the same time it would mean very bad things for Chase.

Chase didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve to be painted as the bad guy. After what he had told me tonight I knew that Brett's disappearance had hurt him far more then he was ever going to admit. I could even sense the hurt and betrayal he felt when mentioning the reasons behind the destruction of their friendship. I could tell just from the way he talked about Brett's father that he hated the man, there was an underlying anger that ran deep below the surface.

I wish there was a way to help Brett. He was obviously running from his family, but why haven't the police and my father even considered this? Nobody but Chase seems to have come to this conclusion. Brett had told Chase himself that he couldn't go back. But he wanted to fix things, wanted to make things right.

Never have I ever felt so helpless. I close my eyes as sleep slowly drags me under.

My alarm clock screams at me, demanding me to get up. I wasn't even sure of how many hours sleep I had got last night but I knew it was few.

"What the fuck? It's only 7 am!" A tired Chase groans from the floor giving me the biggest fright.

"Holy shit! I forgot you were here," I say peering over the side of my bed. Chase's hair is as messy as usual, his green eyes now focusing on me. I feel my cheeks heat up as I feel his eyes run along my face. I take the time to analyse his bruise. It doesn't look good but definitely better than last night.

"Really? That's surprising considering the number of times I heard you mumble my name in your sleep," Chase chuckles, teasing me.

He sits himself up and I can't help but let my eyes wander over his bare chest. How is it even possible to have a body that perfectly sculptured?

"Having fun there?" he asks. I raise my gaze to meet his smirk. Cocky bastard.

"Don't flatter yourself, Chase, I was looking at your injury," I say meeting his smirk. It wasn't a complete lie. Yes, I had been looking at his bare chest but that's where his injury was. I look at it again and just looking at it makes me wince.

I get out of my bed before he can make another one of his egotistical comments and head to my wardrobe getting out my school dress. I feel Chase's green eyes watching my every move. Without even turning back to look at him I make my way to my bathroom and close the door.

As much as I would prefer not to go to school if my dad ever found out I had skipped I would be in deep trouble.

I finish getting ready and make my way back to my bedroom. Chase has not moved from his position, his gaze fixated on something in my wardrobe. He turns his head to me as I walk into the room.

"Is that your dress for the dance?" He asks, his voice low and husky, eyes watching me closely before turning back to the red dress I bought the other week.

"Yeah," is all I say in response. He nods his head slightly, giving me a look up and down as if he is imagining in the dress. I feel my cheeks blush as I just stand in the doorway unsure of what to do.

"Why don't you want to go?" I ask him, deep down hoping he's had a change in heart.

"Dances aren't really my thing. School events, in general, aren't really my thing," he shrugs.

"So," I say, "What is your thing?" I ask. I can't believe the question even exits my mouth.

I feel his eyes latch onto mine as if there is a string tying us together, not one of us daring to make a move. I watch as a million emotions pour over his face all at once before he quickly covers it up again.

"I really don't know anymore," he says breaking eye contact, his gaze adverting to the floor.

My eyes focus on his lips, only hours ago were they on mine. How I crave that feeling now. The feeling of his hand on my face. The lack of space between us.

I manage to break myself out of my trance, "Come have some breakfast when you're ready."

I walk down the corridor to the kitchen where I grab out some cereal and milk. I take my bowl and go sit at the table. A few minutes later I hear Chase's footsteps padding down the hallway as he winces with each step. He has thankfully put a shirt on, the one he came in last night.

"I need to get home before mum wakes up, so she doesn't see, you know, my face," he says, leaning against the kitchen bench.

"Are you alright driving home?" I ask, hoping he'll say no so I could spend more time with him.

"Yeah I'm fine," He nods. "I was able to drive here in the middle of the night so should be able to drive the short ride home."

For a moment we just stare at each other, both of us wanting to ask the same question but both too scared to do so. What happens next? What happens after that kiss?

I stand up as he starts walking to the door.

"See you in biology?" I ask as he opens the door. I silently curse myself as the words leave my mouth sounding more like a plea than a question.

He turns around giving me a small smirk, "See you in biology."

I watch as he turns around and starts walking down the street towards his car. Thank god he parked further down or my dad would have noticed his presence last night.

He suddenly stops and quickly turns around, "Hey Sage, thank you for last night." As the words leave his mouth he turns around again.

I can't wipe the idiotic grin present on my face as I go back inside and finish my breakfast.


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Falling For The Suspect ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora