Miss Me?

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"Hey Corey, did you miss being on TFIL?"

"No, this is hell!"


Elton had been asking him for the entire trip.

It started out as subtle jokes as the four boys drove around in the RV, hitting the open Australia roads, screaming and choking about driving on the wrong side of the road; it was just like it used to be through their other amazing trips to far away places the boys had only dreamed of.

It was just Elton, Colby, Sam and Corey.

Speaking of Corey, Elton hadn't properly spoken to him in quite some time. It was strangely pleasant to be back in his presence.

At first, Elton thought it was like some sort of sick mirage his brain was playing on him.

When he'd booked the tickets for their flight to Australia, he hadn't realized that the four seats were two on separate rows; two in the middle seats and two on the right-hand seats, but the middle seats were a bit further up the aircraft.

Of course, Sam and Colby wanted to be together. Elton wasn't blind or stupid, he knew the pair would be much more comfortable together.

Plus, he could probably catch them on camera, leaning on each other, snuggling and drooling if he wandered up the aisle while everyone was asleep.

This left two of the remaining party, however.

Two who had only just started getting along again.

And as you'd expect from a couple of strong-headed yet evened out men, Corey and Elton easily agreed on sitting together, though Corey pretty much demanded Elton be the one who sat in the middle next to the third party sitting on the window seat.

Typical Corey.

Elton complied without much of a fight, and when they were all seated and everyone was starting to fall asleep, the older man found himself beginning to prolong his sights on the boy sitting next to him. The way his hair was tied up and his lips parted slightly as he slept, the way his nose would twitch from time to time; Elton was pretty much left in disbelief.

He'd spent so long away from Corey after their butting of heads, that he forgot just how much he missed Corey and his cute shenanigans and dancing and everything else that just screamed Corey.

Perhaps it was stupid, but Elton felt a smile grow on his face as he watched the other's peaceful expression. It felt so good to just be sitting back beside him, being his friend again.

Elton only noticed how long he'd been staring when Corey's eyes slipped open in the slightest and his head turned to Elton, whose heart jumped as he quickly glanced over at one of the people in the middle row. He searched for something interesting, and quick, noticing Corey's tired-eyed squint.

"Elton..?" He asked in a low voice, the high roar of the engine almost drowning out his voice.

Elton's green eyes were darkened by the lack of light on the plane as they focused on Corey's browns.


Corey took a moment, adjusting his body in the seat.

"What are you looking at..?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and quirking a brow.

"Just some weird guy dipping his pringles into his coke over there."

Elton immediately internally rewarded himself for noting such a strange act in such a short time.

Corey--clearly interested--turned his head, smirking when he noticed the same thing.

"I know, dude, there's some weird people out there," Corey concluded, then rolled over a bit, grabbing the airline's branded blanket and pulling it up to his chin, tossing a little more before shutting his eyes and trying to sleep.

Miss Me?  || Elton x Corey ||Where stories live. Discover now