Young love(Garroth x Reader)MCD

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Y/n P.O.V
You and best friend Emma came seeking for shelter after you run away from O'khasis.You made your way down a gravel path that lead you to beautiful gates of a village. I think it was called Phoenix Drop. As a guard with beautiful sand blond hair opened the gates and embrace Emma into a bone crushing hug. You stood there confused as the talked.
G: Garroth
E: Emma
Y: y/n

G: Baby sister I haven't seen you in years!! Where have you been? Are you alright? You look out of breath! Do u need help? How did you get here? Who is that cute girl with you--
E: Slow down bro!! Let's sit down and talk if that's okay with you?
G: of course it is come in and I will bring you to Lord aphmau then we can talk there!
E: ok. OH! so... This is my new best friend y/n!
Y: Um... Hi
G: H-hello m-m'lady. He said as he blushed and started leading you to the Lords house.

~long awkward walk~

You came across this beautiful wheat field that lead to this giant stair case. As you went up the stairs case you approached a purple house. Garroth knocked on the door and a short lady opened it she had raven black hair and marvelous hazel eyes.
A: aphmau
G: garroth

A: hi Garroth what brings you here with these lovely young lady's?
G: Lord Aphmau this is my sister Emma and her best friend Y/n. They came here this morning and where wondering if they could say in Phoenix Drop for a while
A: of course they are welcome to stay! Come in and we can talk over some tea.

You all go inside sitting around a big table. Then Emma starts to explain how we got here while I looked on the floor not saying a single word.
"So I was in O'khasis living my normal life until one day I went for my morning jog but saw Zane fighting someone in a cloak. I approached them and stood there watching what was going on until Zane pinned the person in cloak to the wall and started say that he made everyone forget about her because she didn't love him back. The person turned out to be y/n and we both decided to run away but we were not lucky and got stopped by the O'khasis guards on our way. They chased us until we lost them and made our way along the gravel path that lead us here."Emma explained

"So Y/n you have a past with Zane?" Garroth asked but you just noddrd.

"Can you tell us about it?" Aphmau asked in a sweet tone.

"Yes, I can but you wouldn't believe me"you said.

" Try us or you will never find out" Emma added in.

"Ok, when I was little I used to be best friends with those four people and one of them was Zane. We would all hang out everyday outside our village's as I lived in Falcon Claw and was the Lord's daughter. One day my father decided to make me marry one of the other villages son's which meant  I had to choose one of my best friend to marry. I chose one but I then regretted my decision as that night Zane met up with me and told me t-t-that h-he l-loved me and I told him that I d-didn't f-feel the school same the he stormed of showing anger as he stomped of back to his village. Next day all I know is that my best friends didn't r-recognized me. Then I went to
O'khasis to apologize to Z-Zane that's when E-Emma's story s-starts"I said while holding back tears.

Garroth rushed to your side as you finished and hugged you as he sobbed into your shoulder. You blushed a bit but then started sobbing and hugged back. Emma was on the verge of crying but stood there confused and Aphmau was fangirling then you speak up while stopping hugging Garroth but he still carried on hugging you tightly

"I'm s-s-s-so s-s-sorry"you said while your voice started crackers up.

" You have nothing to be sorry for I am the one who should be sorry!!" Garroth raised his voice while sobbing.

"Garroth...Why are you sorry? "

"Because...H-h-he m-made me f-forget you!! I shouldn't remembered you and I bet it was a torture for you to have you friends forget you but I am here now and I will never let anything happen to you ever again!"

You both just stood there hugging while Emma and Aphmau where a bit confused

"What is going on? "Emma asked with a hit of confusion in her voice

" Oh! I think I get it. Emma I know this probably seems weird but I think you, Garroth, Zane and your other brother Vylad are her childhood friends"
Aphmau explained to Emma.

Emma shouted in shock and stormed out today the house.

"Sorry Aphmau for causing trouble but may I stay in this village and build a house somewhere? Oh and I won't bother you I will stay with Garroth till it's built and we can catch up"you asked.

" Oh my irean you didn't cause trouble you actually made my day and of course you may stay"Aphmau said jumping up and down.

"Well we should get going and get her settled" Garroth said to Aphmau

"Bye" We all said to each other at the same time. I giggled while following Garroth to his place but when we got there I didn't bothe to follow Garroth to my room and feel asleep on the soft and comfortable sofa.

~middle of the night~

You were woke up by warrior screams, grabbing your beautiful amethyst sword and running to the gates but stopping immediately when you saw 'him'. You were filled with anger as you wanted to gauge his eyes out, feed his finger to a dog, stab him 36times, clean the blood with his hair and bury him your soon to be back yard.
Y: Y/n
Z: Zane

Z: Hahaha! Look who it is my loved one
Z:... I'm sorry but this will have to be done CHARGE!

All of his guards started charging at us with their swords out. I jump down the wall trying to look for a girl called Nicole that was the daughter of the Scaleswind's Lord. Then saw Kenmur
And Emmalyn running with a red haired girl I think it was Nicole because she hit the Scaleswind Lord and shouted at him. I left to look for Emma but she was no where to be found. The next thing I know is that everyone is arguing in the forest and Garroth became on Zane's side. Then everything went white and we were in the Irean dimension. I tried to fight Garroth off.
G: Garroth
Y: Y/n

Y: Garroth why are you doing this?
G: Because I saw my best friend kissing my loved one!!
Y: Garroth I'm sure whoever did that didn't mean it, I think Zane was playing mind tricks on you
G:... I-i'm so s-sorry
Y: Garroth it's okay it happend to me too before.

You and Garroth then hugged until you saw a portal and run through it.
You were back in Phoenix Drop but it looked ruined, then the elf that saved us explained that it has been 15 years but it was only 15minutes for us. I asked if Emma was still here and Garroth looked at her with hope. She said to follow her and she lead us to a beautiful 2 floor house. The elf left and Garroth knocked on the door just to revile Emma standing there in disbelief. We stared to cry and had a group hug then we heard..
"Mommy Alec stole my doll" A small girl said running to Emma and hugging her leg. We broke the hug and were looking at the girl in shock.
"Girl you got some explaining to do! "
I shouted.
"Heh.well I do but you have tho explain as well since you were gone FOR 15 YEARS" Emma said
"Wait who's the father? "
"Well no one actually knows I have kids"
At that point Garroth run out into the village shouting...
Garroth's P.O.V
I was filled with joy as I just found out the my sister had children. So I did what came to my mind first I run into the middle of the village and shouted "I'M AN UNCLE" but then Dante approached me and ask what was going on so I said "I JUST FOUND OUT EMMA HAD KIDS"
"WHATTTT I never knew she did well then congratulations" Dante congratulated me and then I run to the Irean status that looked the same as I last remembered then I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Huh?" I said but turned around and saw it was only Y/n.
"Hey, do you even know when the dad is?" She asked
"No why? " I asked
"Well.. Um... How to put it is... Gene" She answered
Just sat there I schock and then y/n said something that made me a blushing mess
"I hope I have a happy family like her's someday" She said sitting next to me
"Y/n, i-i h-have s-something to tell you" I started
"Huh? What is it? " She asked
"Well since when I met you I had this weird feeling when I was around you and then when I forgot you I actually felt incomplete and lonely then all of a sudden your back filling those feelings. Y/n what I'm trying to say is t-that I.. I love you so will you be my girlfriend? "I said holding her hand and saw her starting to cry
" Garroth I love you too and YES A MILLION TIMES YES!" She said as u embraced her into a passionate kiss.
When we broke the kiss she said...
"You were actually the Lord's son I chose to marry in first place"
I just stood there with even more happiness filling my body if possible.
I was the happiest man alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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