kids im back like barney

36 1 13

Ay how u doin? well I'm here doing hw for sure *wink wink* anyways, I just had sum soup and twas rly Gucci 👌👌 so today I had art club and I attempted to draw molli wit her kat JAZZ (ya like jazz) and I also missed social studies for band which was nuce but now I gone have sm extra wrk like legit I gone die....... so how was ur day? WHAT ELSE DO I SAY CAUSE IDK WHAT TO DO WIT THIS LIKE ACTUALLY I SHOULD JUST DO A ZOSAN OR JALLY FANFIC OR WRITE ABOUT PISCES AND ALL THE ZODIAC SIGNS LIEK KATHBIRD WHAT DO I DOOOOO HELP

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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