Chapter 6

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Otello's POV

I smirked throughout the day, it builds character, and I need all the character I can get if I'm going to 'earn respect'

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I smirked throughout the day, it builds character, and I need all the character I can get if I'm going to 'earn respect'. I will say though those word coming out of someone other than me is quite idiosyncratic and fucking hot. I don't have to earn much, I've got everything I could wish for, but apparently, my inner demons are craving a taste for something new, well someone. Who am I to deny? She's everything I want, everything I need, she's a queen in her own right, but also mine and I expect for her to see it that way as well.

As I sauntered around my queen's facility I couldn't help being proud, proud of what she has made for herself. Top of the line training facilities, loyal men, and respect. My smirk slowly morphed into a grin, I licked my lips. Karina was training and by training I mean she was beating the shit out of another man. How entrancing. I strolled over to the mat when she was fighting, the stench of blood and sweat coming off them in waves, I smiled. She was truly beautiful, the way she moved was graceful but forceful, she was a force. Her face void of emotion as she threw her leg around her body, landing a violent kick to the man's head. Blood spit out of his mouth and he crumbled to the ground all the while Karina only stood statically.

"Nice kick amore." she glanced in my direction, her face remained impassive, but her eyes briefly fluttered with something. Then she sneered at me, how endearing.

"What do you want Otello?" I gazed intensely into her eyes as I licked my lips

"I've made it abundantly clear what I want mi amore." Most people would've missed the slight shudder of her body, but my keen eyes missed nothing as I became more heated with the thoughts of her body.

"Well we don't all get what we want." With that she turned her back to me, veiling her frosted eyes.

"Anybody else up for a fight!" Her voice rang out in the facility, it was silent until a deep baritone voice countered with

"Sure why not." My voice

She flew around to send a glare towards me

"And why the fuck would you want to fight me? Do you wish to not only have your ego bruised but your face as well?" Her words littered with contempt

"Well il mio cuore, *my heart* someone once told me respect is earned, and I have so much to gain" my eyes traveled down her toned body

" -and so much to possess." She only sent me another cold look and motioned me forward. I leisurely walked onto the fighting mat and got into my fighting stance. A crowd gathered around us presumably due to the fact she was fighting me. She remained standing stoically, unmoved and didn't seem to care to notice the people gathering around us. Although her stance was relaxed I knew that one wrong move and I would be nursing a sore limb. She was waiting, sizing me up as I was doing to her, I couldn't help but relish in her eyes being on me and my body like I was the only one there.

"Are you going to stare or are we going to fight amore?" she only smiled a tantalizing, Cheshire cat smile to which I responded with my own and made the first move sending my body and my right hand flying towards her stomach, to little surprise she blocked it perfectly her hand capturing my fist and flipping it in a non-human direction, frankly, it hurt like a bitch, but I kept up my blank regard flipping in the direction that my almost broken wrist was turning and using the momentum to flip her onto the mat on her back. She only let out a single harsh breath as I looked at her with my usual smugness. The fire in her eyes grew from ablaze to a forest fire burning everything in its path she through her legs up toward her head then back toward the mat landing on her feet swiftly and the real fight had begun. swing after swing block after block the fight continued to the point that I was almost out of breath, my muscles screaming for relief and sweat dripping down my face; she, on the other hand, had only increased breathing neither of us had taken any major hits, but as she came at me again I realized that was not going to last any longer as I watched her fist jab me straight in the face. I staggered back two steps and brought my tongue to my lower lip tasting the metallic red seeping from my newly torn lip. I bit it and turned my stare to Karina who was setting up for her next attack to my face, quicker than I ever thought possible I swept her legs out from under her and dropped my body onto hers. My legs on the tops of her glorious thigh keeping her from kicking while my hands traveled up her struggling arms to capture her hands, leaning in

"What else do you have amore?" she pierced me with a look, her eyes molten heat of promise to come as she looked at my split lip with a smile

"You're not bad Carminati, actually pretty damn good, but you'll never be better than me." she then thrust her pelvis into me throwing me off balance and causing me to crumble to the ground she then turned her body and moved on top of me one of her knees digging into my gut the other onto of my sternum restricting my breathing making it come out in puffs as she grabbed both my hands and pinned them next to my head leaning down so that our breath mingled. My eyes trapped at the sight of her licking her lips and the rate of her breathing.

"I think you lost," I look into her shining blue eyes and laughed breathlessly

"If this is loosing then I never want to win, you look good on top of me amore." she didn't smile her cheeks didn't flinch at my words, but her expressive eyes gave all away as they held mirth and dare I say heat, but it left as quick as it came as she stood up and took one measured step back away from my reach. I too stood up stretching out my now sore body noticing now the number of people, specifically men looking at us and gazing at Karina with pride and awe. I too was proud of my beautiful queen, but I don't like sharing especially anything that has to do her. I moved toward her swiftly, taking her by surprise for once, twining my hands around her small, muscular waist and moving my head down into the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent and brushing my lips against her neck taking in her heartbeat, her breath, the smoothness of her skin, the goosebumps rising on her flesh, everything that I possibly could and moving my mouth towards her ear,

"Did I earn any respect amore because I can tell you now regardless if I have or haven't you're still mine and all of your men need to understand that or I will not be responsible for my actions." my voice was solid as it came out in a gravely growl holding no room for opposition as my tongue peeked out and tasted her sharp jaw. She shivered, her body moving ever closer to mine, her mouth moving along my jaw to my ear

"You don't get to tell me or my men what to do." and with that she promptly kneed me in the dick and I crumbled to the ground as her men shook with laughter and my men looked on with shock I just smiled as I watched her hips sway, disappearing out the door.

~Authors Note

Sorry!!! I haven't updated.....In my defense every time I tried Wattpad would crash <3

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