Gaurding an excape

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Warning: before you read this book, please go and read Sanity Dreams otherwise nothing in this will make sense

Cory's POV

A cold chill crept threw my veins, battling the chill of the frosty glass.
My reflection stared back at me, his blue eyes tired and blood shot.
I tried craning my neck around to get a look at the door, but to no avail. To many living bodies filled the room making it impossible to move.
All I could do was wait in silence, my heart hammering in my chest, as the commotion outside the room grew.

Taking in a deep breath I thought about everything that lead up to this point.

A year and two months ago, my friends, Ashley, Jon, Tommy, Nick and lastly uni, had all gone to the same highschool. That day we made the stupid decision to walk together. From what I've been told we were caught up in an accident that left us all in a coma.

For six months everyone in that accident thought they were locked inside a never ending asylum, believing we were witnesses to a mass murder, one of us, Jon, a boy with messy green hair and vibrant violet eyes, was even thought to be the culprit.

It was in the asylum where we met Dawn, with our memories all messed up Uni believed he and dawn had already met long ago. Dawn was actually a robot, designed to help us escape the coma, but over time he grew attached to us, not that its a bad thing.

But then we met the wolves. Well... I say wolves... I mean scientist... Well...

We first met Alpha, Theta and Delta in a panic, everyone thought they had broken into the asylum, so we ran. Jon and I were outside the room everyone was staying in when the wolves first arrived, we hadn't gotten there in time, so we were locked out.
As Jon and I ran two of the wolves, Alpha and Delta got into the room with the others, the third, Theta chased after us.

After Theta reached us Jon and I woke up in a strange library. We found out that Theta had no ill intent towards us, and she attempted to show us what had happened, but I think something went wrong.

I don't remember what we saw that well, but i know i didn't like it.

Apparently Jon and I woke up about a week after we went missing, the others had thought we were dead. None them actually told us what happened exactly but apparently Alpha and Delta warned the others of something...

A month later all hell broke lose. Its still a bit blurry, but Jon had these two personalities... Uni also had one called Duni, but Jon's were Fon and Don, well Don wasn't necessarily the best of people.

All I allow myself to remember is that everyone died. Thats it. Eventually dawn gave his own life to save everyone...

That's when we found out we were in a coma. We woke up... And after several attempts to *kill* Jon, we found out it was just something our brains did... I think...

The day after we were released from the hospital Jon went missing, all contact with him was cut. His father, a wicked drug dealer had been caught onto by the police so he fled the country with Jon...

Eight months later and here we are, in Japan, stuck in a weird mirror room, surrounded by guards... No way out... Note to self, never attempt a rescue mission with untrained kids and shady scientist.
I shifted, moving my arm into a more comfortable position, it's a miracle we haven't been found yet. I held my breath, expecting the door to burst open at any second. Something touched my arm.

Sanity Walkers ( a ShredSquad fanfic )[sequel to Sanity Dreams]Where stories live. Discover now