This is starting to sound a lot like a D&D game

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Cory's POV

I shifted, twisting my hands into awkward positions.
Tommy was trying to untie the restraints on my hands, the tight rope biting into my skin.
We had been in this cell for four days and about an hour ago Tommy's ropes snapped.

Feeling the ropes go slack I sighed with relief, rubbing my sore wrists.
Turning I was about to help Jon, who was in a separate cell, when the door opened.

Four men dressed in armor, and holding spears.
I watched as they slowly unlocked Tommy and mines cell door, their eyes not leaving our faces.
One of them stepped forward, taking his metal helmet off.
He had salt and pepper hair and a roughly cut beard, his grey eyes scanned our faces slowly,
"Under order of the king you two are to come with us."

I felt my stomach churn as one of them grabbed Tommy by the shoulder and dragged him outside, kicking and biting.

"W-what about Jon?"
The gaurd glanced at the next cell over, his eyes hard,
"The warlock shall see his punishment soon."

Tommy's POV

I dug my heals into the ground, trying to slow the gaurd down,
His firm grip only tightened, "you shall not be hurt boy, unless you keep struggling."
Cory was soon pushed outside himself the guards glaring down a him.

The guards pushed us next to each other, their armor warmed by the sun.
Gripping my mask the head guard slowly took it off my head, he scanned my eyes before passing the mask to one of the others,
He did the same with Cory's mask, which surprised me because I had thought it was part of his face.
He nodded, "alright, they're safe."

I glanced at Cory confused and he shrugged,
"Where are you taking us?"

"The Maiden has convinced the king to keep you as servants, don't ask me why."
With that the guards herded us across a large grass filled courtyard, then through a garden, then through another courtyard, this time it was pathed with smooth stone slabs and gravel.
Eventually we were standing in front of a large wooden door, six guards on either side.

The door was slowly pushed open, and that's when we met the king.

Ashley's POV

I watched as the oak door swung open, letting a warm spring breeze into the cool hall.
Cory and Tommy were pushed in by head guard Samson.

I felt a shiver go down my back as I took in their poor state.
While they had been rotting in a jail cell I had been taken in by the king, he had treated me like his daughter. It was only because of my looks but I still used it to my advantage,
I had begged that Jon, Cory and Tommy be released.
My heart sank as I realized Jon wasn't with them.

"Sire- y-you lied to me, you said all three would be set free!"

The kings eyes glowed,
"I told you to call me father, and your Warlock friend deserves no place amongst our ranks."
I stared at him, my mouth gaping,

He waved me off and pointed to Cory and Tommy,
"They shall be my daughters personal servants, Samson, lead them to their quarters and get Julienne to show them how eveworks around here."

The gaurd nodded and Cory shot me a confused and betrayed look before being shoved through a side door.

I glared at the king, my ear tips as red as my hair,
"Let Jon go. He's not a Warlock, he's just a normal guy." He opened his mouth to say something but I cut in, "your a horrible king."

Sanity Walkers ( a ShredSquad fanfic )[sequel to Sanity Dreams]Where stories live. Discover now