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Hello and welcome to my graphic shop. Please take a moment and read the payment and rules before continuing on.

Is this really necessary? No. Is it nice to get rewarded for what you do? Yeah.


Follow me @Laurel_Marie_Writes (preferably permanently)


Give credit for me in your summary for covers and on the page exhibited for aesthetics.

Also, try to actually put it where I asked you to because it just gets annoying when you don't.


RULES: Please follow



I'm serious. Please don't. If you already asked for a cover somewhere else don't ask me, or vise versa. It's frustrating. If I see that you've shop hopped I just won't make your cover.


No Nudity. No cuss words. No clowns. No fanfic/in-depth manipulation. My cover style is shown in the cover examples. That's what I do. 


Forms will only be taken on the page that has the form of the certain graphic you want on it. All others pm-ed or on other pages will not be done. And I won't accept your form unless you have the password which is peony. Thank you.


I have no set time for how long it takes to make a cover. Please be patient and if you want to cancel your order just comment under your form, CANCELED and I won't make it. I won't be offended just tell me.

I have the right to deny your form. Nothing against you. Please don't be offended if I do.

Scintilla Graphic Shop: closed :/Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora