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   The rest of my shift went by super slow., just as it had started. Super slow. my shift was about two minutes away from being over so I got my stuff situated so I could walk right out when it was time. I turn my head at the sound of the bell on the door and see my coworker, Julie, walk in to start her shift. I poked my head into the back room where my manager Amy sat.

"I'm leaving, Julie just got here."

"Alright, have a good day." she said, sounding a little confused about how eager I was to leave; Even I was confused.

   I headed out the door and walked a little way down the street until I reached my car. I got in and contemplated my destination, Library or home? Home. i drove all the way to my apartment and made my way inside. As I set my book on the table, I got an email from my psychology professor,

"Finish your exam study guide, worth 20% of your whole grade. Due tomorrow!."

"Well, library it is." I said to myself as I grabbed my bag and headed back out to my car. I decided to take the scenic route instead of the main road, I wasn't in a hurry. I took a couple backstreets and just drove through to look at how beautiful my town was. I turned down the street right behind the library and looked at the houses. The houses on both sides of the street were all unique, not one house looked the same. The trees curves over the road just perfectly enough to give the passing cars shade. It was so peaceful to me, the sun peaking through the leaves, leaving what looked like sparkles on the road in front of me. There's such beauty in the simplest things.

   I finally reach the library. I pull into the parking lot and step out into the weather once again with my bag on my shoulder.  I walk in and immediately go to the table in the very back corner, almost completely hidden away from everything else. again, I like being alone. I started to take my book out when I realized, there was no book. I left it on the table. thank god this library has the same book or else id be screwed. I got up out of my comfy corner to go hunt for this book. I walked past each isle and almost missed the one with the little sticker on the side of it that read, "psychology." I slip into the isle and begin my search. Its red and huge so it would be pretty hard to miss. I notice someone else walk into the isle but I'm so focused on finding the book that will keep me from failing that I literally pay no attention to them. I scan a little more intently and finally, I find it. I go to reach for the book and notice someone else reach for it at the same time. we both pull our hands away at the same time and I hear a voice say, "Oh, I'm sorry." the voice is familiar. I look over and to my surprise I see Jake.

"Celeste?" he questioned looking just as confused as me.

"Yea, hey Jake."

"You need this don't you?" he asked referring to the book he now had in his hands.

"Yep, that's the one."

He outstretched his hand holding the book.

"Here. I just have to finish this study guide, it can wait though."

"I'm doing the same thing actually."

"I swear do we have the same class?" Jake laughed while asking.

"Yea actually I think I may have seen you in there once."
I technically wasn't lying but I definitely remembered seeing him in there. Hell, I even remembered his name, but he doesn't need to know that.

He adjusted his stance a bit, shifting his weight to one leg to lean easily on the shelf next to him. As he placed his hands in his front pockets he opened his mouth, leaving it open for a while before finally asking, 
"Do you wanna like...work on this together?" He shrugged his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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