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This is jaliyah she was brown skinned with curly natural hair with a flat stomach and a fat ass to match

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This is jaliyah she was brown skinned with curly natural hair with a flat stomach and a fat ass to match.

Jaliyah saw Shaun standing with some of his friends on the 300 hall. She approached him and took him away from his friends. They stared they didn't know about him and Jaliyah at all shaun never mentioned her to them.

What's up? Shaun said to jaliyah she looked at him up and down and began to speak , "do you know me and Alicia are friends?" "Are you just talking to me to get back at her?" He looked at her annoyed 😒 and said back "nooo it's not even like that I wanted to fw you because you're quiet and you stay to yourself and you don't stay in drama" she listened to him and for some reason she believed him.

He had no reason to lie to jaliyah he really liked her.  He was feeling her he haven't really been in a relationship since he got his heartbroken by some white girl like in the 9th grade and he was in the 11th now. He thought he would never find love again until he met jaliyah fine ass. He didn't want to lose her ever she was his and he was hers.

School was almost over. Jaliyah was mad Shaun waited until the end of the year to get with her. Jaliyah was going to the 11th grade and Shaun was going to the 12th grade. She was worried they wouldn't see each other since her parents didn't know about him or who his parents was. They just wasn't gonna let her go out with anybody.

It was the last day of school until August 9th!! Shaun and jaliyah was close than ever they were holding hands and kissing infront of everybody at times. She informed Shaun about her passed he didn't think she was like that he thought she was innocent but she wasn't she has 5 bodies which wasn't that bad but on the other hand shaun has 0. He didn't like just having sex with anyone because of std's and pregnancy he didn't have time for all that.

Now that he knew about her pass he knew niggas might be still trying to hit her up. "Do niggas still try to her you up?" He asked jaliyah she looked at him and told the truth "yes only one person won't stop texting me" Shaun took her phone and went to Snapchat.

He seen where she had left him on opened but she managed to save the messages that had read....
Wyd tonight? Can I come over?
Tykell 12:05 AM

Boy you're not coming over my house I have a whole boyfriend gtfo
Jaliyah 12:12 AM

Oh now since you got a boyfriend you can't fw me
Tykell 12:13 AM

Yup I can't that's some hoe ass shit plus I respect my nigga period 🤷🏽‍♀️
Jaliyah 12:20 AM

Ok bet 👌🏾
Tykell 12:21 AM

Shaun was pissed while reading the messages. jaliyah took her phone away and locked it she looked at Shaun's face noticing his menace look he was giving. She held his chin and said , "Baby you don't have to worry about him I promise I don't fw him at all".

Yeah Ik he said "niggas just grimey asl man he don't respect us".

Shaun got a text from his homie seven. 

You tryna hoop at riverside?
Seven 2:30 PM

Sure I'll be omw
Shaun 2:34 PM

Bet 🤘🏿
Seven 2:38 PM

"So girl please don't be lateeee , there's meeting in my bedroom" jaliyah heard her momma playing "meeting in my bedroom" by Silk she instantly got ignored by the music and shut her door. Jaliyah invited mia over her house when she saw on Snapchat that was at her sister's house who had lived around the corner from her. It was 5 mins later

*knock knock knock*
She heard an knock at her door it was mia standing on the other side of the door smiling , "heeeyyyy bitchhh" Jaliyah's dog started barking she had an tan brownish poodle named "Sadie" while walking back to her room. Mia managed to pet Sadie and walked in the room behind jaliyah and shut the door.

What you been up to? Mia asked jaliyah while looking at her smiling into her phone. "Oh so you sprung and haven't even got the dick yet?" Jaliyah tried looking at her with a straight face but she busted out laughing at mia's silliness.

I'm not sprung, jaliyah stated he just make me smile 😌 I can't be happy?? She asked mia. "Girl Im just fucking with you" laughed mia

Jaliyah hasn't asked Shaun if he had sex with Alicia or if she was just saying that because she was low key pissed at jaliyah for talking to him anyway. Jaliyah hope he didn't have sex with her because she would kind of feel like a shitty ass "sister" they weren't real sisters but they fucked with each other real tight.

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