Under attack

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'This just isn't my day,' you think to yourself.

So far you had managed to wake up all through the night and get a terrible sleep. Then, you when you finally did fall asleep, you missed your alarm and ended up being late to your shift, which made your superior officer single you out and gave you the more grueling assignments to finish before the end of the day. You kept trying to stay calm but the lack of sleep and the build up of misfortunes only added gas to the fire. 

You were too worried about not getting your work done on time to even notice you missed lunch. And dinner. 

Just as you were finishing one of the longer reports you were given, you were tossed clear across the room. The next thing you know you hear the alarm going off, with Kirk announcing to go to your stations, we are under attack. After that you stopped paying attention to the announcement and tried to make sense of what just happened.

 Your heart racing you quickly get on your feet, ignoring the bruising on the left side of your body from the impact you made with the wall.

Making your way down the hall to report to your station- your communicator beeps.

"Lieutenant (L/n), you are needed on the bridge. One of the helmsman on duty was injured and you are next to replace him," Uhura relays urgently, as you hear the commotion from the other bridge crew members and wailing alarms.

You freeze for a moment, "You need me  on the bridge?!"

"Yes. Now please, respond to your post on the bridge. We are under fire. Uhura out," and your communicator beeps signalling the end of the conversation.

You swallow dryly and you run into the turbo lift, hesitantly waiting to step on to the bridge.

The doors open and you are bombarded with orders being barked at multiple officers, alarms and rapid firing, and failing hails to the other unknown ship.

"Lieutenant," says Spock, "We do not have time for you to be idle," as he maneuvers around his station across the bridge, helping others with problems and malfunctions.

You nod, "Yes, Commander,"  heading straight to your seat next to Chekov.

You hear the doors of the turbo lift open once again, "JIM! Are you quite done rocking this ship in every direction known to man! I've got people on all decks reporting to med bay with ranging varieties of injuries!"

Kirk lets out a tense sigh, "I'm handling it the best I can, Bones!"

"(L/n)! How are our shields holding up?" Kirk bellows from the captains seat over the noise.

"They are holding at 20% sir, but they won't last for much more of this if it continues this consistently," you answer, your heart pounding in your chest.

"Chekov, scan for a weak spot on the ship's shields to disable their weapons bay. We won't fire to harm them, we need to show that we are a peaceful vessel," Kirk says while studying the screen.

"Aye Capt'in," he responds, inputting the commands into his station.

He lays in the course of where the direct the path of the phasers and displays it on the screen.

"Weak spot detected Capt'in. Ready for fire," Chekov announces looking up from his console.

"Alright. On my mark, (L/n)," Kirk braces himself, tightly gripping the arm rests of his chair.

"Aye Captain," you say with your shaking hand above the phaser controls.

'I've never actually done this before except in training in the academy. If I screw this up I could kill us all.' 

Before, you can act- you feel your chest tighten up. Your breathing becomes hyperventilating and your heart beat is erratic, the sound coursing through your ears and your sight starts to focus in and out.

You know Kirk is speaking, but the sounds around you all fade away as you start to sway.

"NOW, Lieutenant!" he shouts.

"I said, fire now! Lieutenant-" Jim takes his focus off the screen to glance over at you.

"Bones-" he jabs Leonard and gestures at you.

"(Y/n)," Leonard moves quickly to your side, assessing your state.

"(Y/n), I'm going to touch you, okay?" He says cautiously placing his hand on your face and turning it in his direction.

"Jim, she's going to faint," he says sternly, with concern reflected in his eyes.

"Take her to med bay. Mr. Chekov, redirect the firing controls to your console and fire," he responds.

Leonard helps move you out of your seat, keeping his grip on you firm to steady you. 

He takes you down to med bay and has nurse Chapel section off a private room to isolate all the noise.

You sit on the bed, shaking and still struggling to breathe, a hand tugging at the collar of your uniform.

"Darlin', I need you to look at me," he says, trying to hold your head steady for him to make eye contact with you.

You finally lock your gaze on his familiar face, the panic written all over your expression.

"I need you to breathe out as much as you can, then inhale deeply with me okay?" he says in a soothing matter of fact tone.

"I-I-I c-c-an't-t," you sputter, body still shaking vigorously.

"I know your scared, and you think your body won't listen to you right now, but I promise you, you can. Now with me, exhale-" he motions for you to copy him.

You force yourself to slowly push all the air you can out of your lungs, and with him, inhale a shaky but deeper breath. 

"You're doing great darlin', just keep going," he says holding up an oxygen mask, looking at you for permission to put it on you.

You nod, and he gently holds it to your face, slipping the support band over your head.

After a few minutes, your breathing had become more even and stable. 

"That's it, (y/n). You're doing much better, now that your getting oxygen again.  Your heart rate is still a little high for my liking," he says standing up and grabbing a hypo, "So I'll give you a light sedative to calm your system down. Is that alright?"

You look at him tiredly and give him the go ahead.

"Just a little sting," he warns, as he tilts your head up slightly to place the needle.

You scrunch up your face a little as he injects the sedative, but then start to feel more relaxed as it starts to set in.

"You can lay back now, it should be taking affect. You can rest easy, Jim says the attack is over and the ship is on the mend," Leonard eases you back into the bed, now laying flat as he covers you with a blanket.

"Thank you, Len." you say with a hoarsely.

"My pleasure darlin'," he leans over you, placing a soft kiss to your temple.

He turns the lights down low, "I'll check in on you later, okay? Just rest up, sleep it off."

You shoot him a weak smile, "will do."

After that you at last are peacefully, drifting off to sleep.


Let me know what you think! This is for AOS :)

Leonard McCoy X Reader ; Panic AttackWhere stories live. Discover now