Chapter 11: The Lusty Leopard

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I didnt sleep. I couldnt. I looked at the clock on my, it read 7.02. All he had said was that we were gonna meet at a stripclub tonight.

That day Brittney was out with her friends and I was just at home staring out my window, ignoring the texts from Billie, Tre and Brittney. They didnt seem worried, just checking up on me. I was scared.

If I dont go tonight, Billie will end up dead. But if I do go, who knows what he'll do to me.

I was going. I was protecting Billie.


Later that day Brittney returned home and sat at her computer, doing some kinda work. I was in my room. Maybe I should bring a knife? But no. I was so scared of him. I didnt know what he could do. What he would do. So with alot of fear, I left my house.

The Lusty Leopard wasnt a bad stripclub. I'd been there before, but it was pretty far away.

But still I choose to walk the 30 minuets.

When I arrived the place was booming. There was a lot of people. I could bearly remember what he looked like. My eyes darted around trying to find someome who jogged my memory. I stood near the back while most other people sat down, enjoying the show of girls is revealing outfits.

Exept for the pink lights coming of the stage was everything very dark and dimmed. Almost impossible to see.

All of a sudden I fel a hand over my mouth. The smell of cigarette-smoke hit my nose as I felt a heavy breath against my ear.

I knew it was him.

"Hey, Mikeyboy~ havin' fun?" He whispered into my ear, it made a chill go down my spine and gave me an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

My first reaction was to pull away and turn around, but as soon as I did he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into some cleaning closet. I was so scared. He was standing infront of the door and I was in the oposite corner. I looked into the same brown eyes from Tres party.

"You look so scared, Mikey?" He chuckled a bit.

"But youre not getting away from me again" He said and slowly aproched me.

I tensed up and pushed myself hard against the wall as to get as far away from him as possible. All he did was smirk. I thought about just kicking him and then running far away. But when I was about to he pushed his intire body weight against me so I couldnt move and his face was just by mine.

"Tsk tsk tsk... now, now, don't be like that. Remember, Billie isnt going to be around for long if you behave like that" he said and the smirk grew on his face.

"Why are you doing this??" I asked loudly.

He placed his strong hand over my mouth and leaned into my ear. "I have some rules you have to follow.. got that?" he whispered.

I let out a whimper against his hand and after a few seconds I slowly nodded.

"Good. Rule number one, if I want to do something, you let me do it. Rule number two, if I want you to do something, you do it. Rule number three, you dont tell anyone about me. Or you know the consequences. Can you follow these?"

I didnt know what to do. I had no options but to agree. Tears started pouring down my cheeks and hit his hand that was covering my mouth.

"Dont cry, Beautiful.." He whispered in my ear.

I closed my eyes shut, wishing this was all just a horrible nightmare, and I nodded.

"Good.." I felt his hot breath against my ears as his free hand worked its way down my sides to my hips, resting on my belt.

Oh fuck.

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