07: The Asylum (1/2)

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What's the point of being alive?

If all we do is live in fear.

That's not living, it's just surviving.


Last night after Jason's sudden departure Dick and Y/n returned to safe house without much resolved. Both had not spoken a word about the sudden change of attitude of the male. The detective knew that something had happened between them as if he didn't know that their relationship was not already in rough waters.

"Where's Jason?" Grayson questioned seeing her lone figure re-enter the building.

"Gone." Y/n let out getting closer to him reaching out towards his face her hand gently held his chin as she checked his now busted lip and swollen cheek. He hissed at the sudden rough touch of the female rubbing blood off an area.

"What happened?" Richard asked as her eyes flickered up and behind him. The officers on the ground were slowly regaining consciousness, her touch gone after his question stilled the air around them.

"We had a disagreement Dick... we got to head back and regroup."


"Yes, regroup."

Y/n had returned with him as they assisted Clay and left the scene. It wasn't long after, they said their goodbyes and departed from the city back to group, without him. Although, she said nothing more to older Wayne male about the sudden disappearance of Todd. He mapped out the situation in his head and kept it himself. It didn't take a, genius to acknowledge that the second Robin was clearly upset with him in the equation.

Jason was protective of the female sitting in the passenger seat beside him and it didn't sit right. Grayson was conflicted about it, he acknowledged it but-they meant something to each other...and he couldn't wrap his head around the idea. How could she be, with someone like Jason Todd?

Resentful, filled with hatred towards the police, the world, even towards her. Todd was to quick but, intuitive. He wasn't stupid. So why did he leave?

Did she...say something to him that made him angrier then what he had already been?

She had to, it was clear to the detective. Jason's way of getting back her was to make ponder about him and his whereabouts. Yet, time and time again Grayson set his eyes on her unmoving figure. Ever since they got back into the car after the incident she had been lost in her thoughts. To invested in them to notice his sudden interest in her.

"Y/n." He muttered her name causing her look at him. "Who are you, Y/n Hayes?" He asked her as her slender finger came to halt from tracing her jeans stitches.

"A person." Y/n snickered looking out the window again. Oblivious of this eyes settling on her before continuing.

"We never met again... After my parents, you never bothered to make an appearance. Yet, you are close to Bruce; your family and yet, I had never seen you." He pointed out attempting to piece the statement and his thoughts out loud.

"Because I kept my distance... I don't think your younger self would have liked me very much either way." She answers him honestly, her mind settling on the male driving.

"Who says I like you now." A teasing smile broke out on the detective's mouth. Y/n let out a soft chuckle amused at his tone of voice.

It was playful something that didn't it occur to her that he could be with anyone. For an instant it felt as she was her younger self recreating scenarios in her mind where she had the courage to present herself to him...a reality where she was seen by the orphan boy.

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