Chapter 1; Info-Hokages request

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Hey, you all might know my sister, Sakura Haruno? Yeah, the one on team 7. That's the one. Well, I'm her younger twin sister, as the title might suggest, I am Sakurasou Haruno.
The only difference between my sister and myself is that she went to the Academy to train to be a ninja, but I train silently behind everyone's back.
People usually suspects that I wouldn't become a ninja, just 'cause I'm mentally unstable and physically ill? Yeah, good luck with stoping me.
Agh! Sorry! I haven't introduced myself properly! Gomen'nasai!!
My name is Sakurasou Haruno, younger twin of Sakura Haruno. I'm 12 years old and have been training to be a ninja in secret. Reason being because I never really liked being around others but I could be around Ino, as long as she doesn't think I'm Sakura again. Sure me and Sakura look identical, we're identical twins, but we have our differences. I know of one obvious one, my hair is always up in a high ponytail and turns lighter or darker depending on the lighting.
As I said earlier, you might be wondering, 'What does she/do you mean by mentally unstable and physically ill?'
Well, when I was 6 I fell off a large cliff, which lead to the sea, and I hit my head on the bottom, so I basically drowned for a couple of seconds. I had to get a very qualified medical ninja to help me, and it ended up with me getting surgery. I was alright after it, for about a year, than I began to do things without thinking, and half the time I forget things. Not important things though.
As for me being physically ill, I usually have a hard time to breath, and my chest-up-to-neck would tighten up and could cause me to go into a coma. The reason for it is because when I was 3, I got out of bed in the night, and went downstairs, but because I'm me, I'm really clumsy and fell down. When I reached the bottom, I had a broken arm, a scratch on the right side of my face and all the air, and a lot of blood, was pushed out of my body through my mouth. Plus when I was six I drowned so~
Since that, I never went near water or stairs at night. I actually have a reflex fear for water, and I even found out that I have Water release so I'm pretty doomed when it comes to jutsus.
I have been training on my Taijutsu and Ninjutsu ever since I was 7, a year of reading on ninja history and ninja Jutsu techniques, and for the next 4 years since than I have been training on getting stronger.
I would have continued if the Hokage hadn't have found me training in the forest. And trust me as soon as I found out who he was, I don't think I have ever ran faster in my life.
I'm glad the man hadn't have followed me home, or else mom and dad would have gotten suspicious of me why I was with Hokage-Sama. But as I hoped he never came by, the next day he did. This happened while my elder sister left to go on her D-tank mission. Something about a chase? I have no clue. But allow me to show you how it went.
(Gonna be on my POV)
I was sitting on my desk, which was laid in front of the window thinking about it what to do today in the forest. That was until I heard my mother yelling me to come down. Closing my book which held all my notes and day routines, and placed them in the bag I carry around everywhere I go. I also put my diary in as well. Once I got everything important in my bag, I took my time down the stairs but I regretted even coming down. In the sitting room, I see both my parents sitting across from the third Hokage, which i froze in spot as soon as I lay my eyes on him.
"Sakurasou!" Mom says as she stood up and walked over. "Lord Hokage came over this morning, asking about what were you doing last night in the forest. I'd love to know as well, but you're father said he has an idea." Mom said, her eyes narrowed as she walked behind me and pushed me forward towards the Hokage.
Once everyone sat down, mom and dad sat on the couch, Sarutobi-Sama sat in the armchair as I sat on the wooden chair that came from the kitchen, everyone looked towards me.
"Sakurasou. You told me that everyday you are working and helping people around the village. Why has the Hokage cam and told us you were in the forest, playing with your sister's Kunai and shuriken? You could have hurt yourself!" Mom yelled, resulting to me looking down to the ground. I can't lie to mom, the hokage saw what I was doing...
"I was helping-" I began but mom slammed her hand on the table, resulting to me flinching.
"Sakurasou! Tell me the truth! Don't think I can't tell that you are lying!" The blonde woman yells as she stood up, making me avoid eye contact with her. "You were throwing your sister's ninja tools around! Who were you helping by doing that?!" She continued making me look to the ground more so than I already was.
I wanted to talk back at her, but she would hit me again. She always does. Her excuse is that I'm already ill, I'm practically immune to pain... Which is bonkers! I didn't say anything after her yelling, why would I? She wouldn't believe me.
"Mabuki, let her talk. You don't exactally know that she is lying." Dad said, resulting to me looking up at him, to see him smiling at me. He is the only one that I can trust with my life, and if I had to chose a favourite family member, I would chose this man in a heartbeat. Sakura would be second but Mom wouldn't even be in the top 5 people that would be my favourite. I would chose Uncle Niko quicker than her.
With those single words that the pink haired man said, mom sat down quietly and the Hokage nodded towards me as a sign to continue. "I was helping Niko and Miko take care of their children. Along with help them in the forest. Gardening, planting, babysitting and so on. When I was done, like when Reddotsurī came from his blacksmith work, I leave. I got the kunai and Shuriken from him. Than, I train or study in the forest, away from everyone." I say in one fast sentence prepared for my mother to yell at me, which didn't take long.
"SAKURASOU! I won't tell you again! Stop lying and tell the truth! There isn't anyone living in the forest!" Mom yelled as she made her way over to me but dad stopped her.
"Mebuki, Kizashi. There are 2 elders living in the forest, alongside their son and grandchildren." The eldest man in the room says as he stood up. His words shocked the 2 parents, as he walked over to the little girl and kneels down to her height. "It's very surprising that you are able to get their trust. I've been trying to make an alliance with Reddotsurī for a long time now. How did you do it?" The elder man questioned.
I looked him in the eye and smiled. "They said that they admire how determined i am in becoming a ninja. Mr Reddotsurī said if we make a deal, than he will make me a bow and arrow, along with make a couple of other weapons for me. Niko is also training me a bit about Taijutsu and Genjustu." I told the elder man and I would practically feel my eyes glow.
It always happens when I'm talking about what I love, heck I bet they'd glow if I was talking about wolves, food, etc. I also saw them glow through the old males eyes.
The man smiled at me as I closed my eyes and grinned. "And what's stoping you from making it come true?" The man asked making my smile drop, and lower my head to avoid eye contact. I didn't really want to admit why, so my father, seeing my nervous and uncomfortable state, explain for me.
"Well, when she was 3 she fell down the stairs and a lot of damage was put on her body, physically. She still hasn't fully healed on her arm. And it made her physically ill somehow. And at the age of 6 she fell of the side of the cliff, a bit from the village, right into the river. She had to have surgery on her head cause she hit the bottom of the sea. She was fine for while until she began doing reckless things and tend to forget the smallest information that doesn't interest her." Dad explained to the man as I kept my head down.
I heard the Hokage hum in thought, before I felt his gaze on me. Looking up to face him, I saw that he was smiling straight at me. "Why don't we give you a short exam? To become a ninja?" The elder man said, his words shocked me so much, I felt a tear run down the left side of my face. But it didn't last long as I was so happy, I became reckless and jumped on the man in front of me, giving him the biggest hug.
I was crying into his shoulder, saying 'Yes please' and 'thank you'. I mean, you would to right?
After I settled down a bit, the Hokage looked me in the face with narrowed eyes, and I new exactly why. "May I ask child. But how come-." The man began, but I cut him off half way.
"I hit my head and had most damage on my right side. It effected my eye most. Half the time I can't even see through it." I explains as I wipes the left side of my face. The Hokage looked as her in sadness.
"You went through so much, especially for a child you're age." The elder man said before turning his head to my parents. "If you wouldn't mind, may I take Sakurasou to the hokage mansion to find the perfect mission to examine her?" The eldest man asked, which dad agreed to instantly, before mom could even suggest otherwise.
And yeah! That is how the morning of my day went! I still don't know what mission I'm gonna do, but it's just to examine my 'skill' which I don't have much of.
Why don't you guys tell me what mission I 'ma be doing? Suggestion? Maybe even a guess?!
But, till next time! Bye!!!!

(Has been edited)

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2019 ⏰

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