Chapter 16

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The hammering in my heart was enough proof of how anxious I was.
Anxious to get the truth but also very scared to unaerth the hidden secrets that came with the truth.

Bending slightly to evade a spider web formed over the door, I lumbered towards the crimson box covered in dust.

The sun rays illuminated the box making it stand out like a sore thumb.

"It must be somewhere." I racked through the box muttering to myself.

Confussion whirled in my brains as a man , the age of my father came to view.

His eyes were the same hue as mine. His smile was boyish , a slight dimple forming at the corner.

It felt like staring at the older version of me.

My hands quivered violently as I held the other two pictures wild thoughts running through my mind.

"No, no. It can't be." I screamed into the rusty attic running hands through my hair in denial.

"What is that honey." Mum's voice asked sweetly her dimpled smile showing.

"You tell me mum. I want to know what is going on here." I threw the pictures on the dinning table where she sat sewing a scarf.

Her face mimicked pure horror the moment she laid her eyes on the photos.

Her eyes wet with tears she fumbled to get on her feet.

"Where did you get them." tears accompanied her faint whisper.

"That's not the important thing here mum. Why does he look like me. Is he my dad. Answer me mum!" I demanded  ramming my fists to the table when she just stared.

"Calm down honey." her hands were frantic trying to pull me into a hug.

"Dammit mum, answer me!" Anger revertabrated through my raised voice wishing she could just answer me.

"He's you're father and he's dead." She screamed out taking refuge in the seat she had earlier occupied.

"But---how-why -mum- what do you mean." my voice came out in whimpers as I tried to come in terms with the disturbing news I had just received.

"I killed him. I killed your father." she broke into sobs her eyes embeded with dread, pain and guilt.

"Mom, stop it. What are you saying you can't kill anyone." I shook her shoulders trying to shake her back to reality.

Maybe we were all trapped in a nightmare. One that we needed to wake up from.

"I'm not dreaming. I killed him. I killed your father." She pushed me away her tears forgotten a murderous expression on her beautiful face.

"He always came home drunk." Her gaze seemed lost in a land only she knew.

"He'd beat me, call me names, tell me I don't belong.  A worthless woman. That's what he always said. See the scars." She began opening her blouse my eyes widening in panick.

"Mum what are you doing. Stop it." I tried barring her hands but she kept opening them.


A painful gasp escaped my lips when my eyes made contact with her scars.

Her skin was stained with burned marks of cigarettes. A huge cut scar ran down her shoulder blade to her mid back.

"That monster did this to me.Every night was hell for me, the pain, the despair. It drove me crazy.

"Then one day he came home so drunk, hitting me like I was some beast. I begged him to stop but he just called me names, saying that - I was useless." her fingers pointed the stair case her eyes screaming atrocity.

"Even the fact that I was pregnant with  you was not even a bother to him. He just pulled me by my hair towards the stairs and when he started kicking my tummy, I lost it." her shaky hands cupped my cheeks her eyes raw with emotions.

At that moment I couldn't help but ler the tears flow knowing she had bottled this up all alone.

"You were my light at that time. The only hope that someday I would hold you in my arms when you were born and maybe - maybe forget the pain."

"Mom," Her breath was frantic as she clung onto me like she was afraid I would disappear.

"It happened so quick that I don't remember it so well. All I remember was screaming and calling out his name. I had pushed him off the stairs. I killed him. It's been haunting me for so long I don't even remember what peace is."

"Mom, it was not your fault. You were just trying to protect yourself." Even my reassurance was not enough to get her out of the trance, tragedy or even her unstoppable trembles.

It was hours before  I was able to calm her down  and put her to sleep her face still tear strained.

An Icy thought ran through my mind as I wondered if there was an unwakened beast in me. Just like my two fathers!

I'm so sorry that the women in my book go through so much pain but eventually they'll overcome coz well:Girl power!

I have been really busy with exams that's why I have not been able to update soon enough but yea! They are almost over and I can write uninterupted .

Would love to hear from you guys.
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Happy weekend everyone.

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