Chapter Twenty Two

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The blue lights hung low casting shadows over the ranch compound.  Guests streamed  in talking and laughing  loudly.
Mum said she'd  rather weave than spend time with the high and  mighty that looked at her with disdain.

I didn't  care and I was not one to let anyone  look down  on me. I was sure to  give them a piece of my mind and  place them  in their place.

The Investors had been good company  through the night.

"Everything's  set." Don whispered causing me to drop the strawberry  I was munching  on.

"You scared me. " I scolded wanting to wipe off the  silly  grin he had.

But then  again,  tonight John would pay for what he did,  maybe not directly,  but all the same he was going to be exposed.

"Hope everything  goes as planned." I stated  taking another berry from the wide array on the  buffet.

"Sweet heart,  you look gorgeous."
Mark wrapped me in   a hug and kissed me,  soft and warm.

"Uurg" Don took off mumbling  something  about  finding his girl.

"You clean  up well to, babe." I answered  stealing a kiss from him.

"I have  always known  I'm irresistible."  he boasted straightening his black suit.


"Yours though." He kissed  my temple pulling me against  him.

Yeah,  mine.

"Sweet heart,  I  will just talk to some  Mr Sanjay and Mr Samuel  about  some plans but I will be right back."
He sauntered away,  an aura of importance  around him.

"I love you." I whispered more to myself a childish smile  tugging at my lips.


"Still feisty as always, huh?"

I whirled back John's voice causing  shivers down my spine. Not the giddy shivers that happened  when  I  accidentally  brushed Mark's  hand or when  he smiled or gave me that longing look.

Or when he kissed me long and hard.

No! This was fear shivers, that made me want to scream as I  relieved the moment  or to shove  a knife  into his heart stopping his life forever.

My mouth went dry, the words I  had planned  to say all blown away,  forgotten.

"Come on,  its been  three years already. You should  forget it."  he stated showing off his white teeth.

He took a step towards  me and  I  took one back my body wild with shaking.
He wouldn't  try to do it in here,  with so many  people. Would he?

I looked around trying to see if Mark was around but a large pillar blocked the view of the  delicacy  table where  I  was at.

"Stay away from me." I cautioned a sense of determination  rising from within.

My hands  caught something cold and  steel and  a victorious smile warmed my lips.

If he took one more step, I  swear I  would-

What would I  do,  kill him?  Could I  kill someone? Even  if they destroyed  my life,  crushed my dreams, put my father in the line of death,  would I?

My thoughts  seized when  a steel  cold hand started running circles along my arm.

I seized the knife  all remorse I  was feeling  rushing back  to me.
I could  feel heat crawling onto my legs,  chest and  body as I pointed the knife right at his heart.

I would end  his life today.

For the pain, for the broken dreams and for the tears.

"Evelyne,  please put the knife down. It's not a good idea joking around  with it." He pleaded laughing nervously.

"No you moron. I'm  going to kill. To make you pay for what you did. To see  you in pain and in tears just like you did to me."  I declared  tears flooding  my cheeks.

One wrong move from him and I would plunge the knife. He was large and strong but past pain gave you far greater determination and conviction.

Maybe I  was shouting because  all the music had stoped and people were crowded looking at me like I  was insane.

They did not know the pain of loosing your dreams,  maybe I  smiled before them but I  was crumbling  on the inside.

Only the moon,  knew my secrets,  my tears,  my pains as nightmares from the past took over my sleep,  strangling me,  leaving me at  their mercies.

"You did this to me.  I hate you so much John Wrenson and today I  will avenge myself. I will kill you. " I lamented backing him against  the wall with the cold knife still on his chest.

"Angel Eyes,  calm down." Mark's  voice came  from  somewhere within  the crowd but my anger fueled me to drive the knife,  even if just a bit.

I saw John wince as it made contact  with his flesh and images of my dad came  flooding  back.

No,  no. I won't  succumb  to my fury,  I won't be like the  monster he is. I can't  kill anyone. My mom's  and brother's  face came  into view in my mind. How sad they would be? Jay would be devastated. I would be crashing  their dreams,  just like John crushed mine.
I couldn't  do it. I just couldn't.

The knife clattered to the floor leaving  behind  a loud noise in the eerie silence.

Mark crushed me into his chest,  rubbing  circles around my back.
Reality came rushing into my conscience and I  was immersed  in guilt.

I almost  killed someone. How could I  want to take someone's  life?

What's your gretest fear? For Evey it's letting her hate, pain and remorse take over her actions.

Love to hear from you.
Bye for now, but, make me smile  by leaving  me a vote 😉

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