Chapter 3

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    An event was being held today and, of course, my parents wanted to go. It was our family's annual get together, in a way. I didn't mind going though I just didn't really want to go too much. What I wore there was a pair of black dress pants along with the same color shoes, I also had a gray vest over a white dress shirt which was finalized with a red tie.
    "You look so lovely, Aaron!" my mom told me with a bright smile, she had bought the outfit to begin with.
    "Yes, a very handsome young man," my father added while walking over, combing his hair. I nodded, not listening to them that much, and went to my room, sitting on my bed. There wasn't much to do at that moment other than looking at my grayish-white walls and the black-ish blue sheets that I sat on.
    There wasn't anything special about the room I slept in, a desk across from my bed with a red lamp on it. They had mentioned getting me a laptop to use if I wanted to, I didn't mind but I would like to see other art done by people. A door that led to the closet was a few feet away from it, just to the right of it. I only held my clothes and some boxes of art supplies and old sketchbooks that I had finished off. To the left was my bathroom door, again nothing special.
    "Aaron, time to leave!" the masculine voice said while I just jump off my bed and run down the stairs to them.
    "Let's go, honey," the sweet voice giggled while my mother walked out the door with the both of us males followed.
    The time to get there was unbearable, it was cold and boring but once we got there it wasn't too bad. There was a large building that stood tall above the trees, this was my grandmother's but she could attend this year because she had a cold and didn't want to get anyone else sick. The building was more of a large house, a mansion to put it simply, with several cars parked in front of the building, which had a few white decorations on it.
    We walked into to be greeted with several people, and I should mention I don't like large crowds, especially the one beginning to surround me. This would happen every time we would come to visit, probably due to the fact I could be dead right then and there.
    "You have grown so much since the last time I saw you," my Aunt named Trace said, "How about you give Auntie Trace a big hug!" she cued at me with open arms. I just stood there while I shook my head, backing up a bit, clearly not wanting a hug.
    "It was worth a shot Trace," my dad said while she pouted, all I did was stare.
    "I hope one day you will become a bit more open," she giggled softly to herself, "That would be a blessing for you to find someone to be carefree with, maybe one day." Trace smiled softly and sighed, she hoped for the best to everyone.
    "Yeah, like THAT would ever happen," my cousin stormed over, his green eyes dark and his light brown hair brushed to the side. He was a jerk to a lot of people, mostly me. He hated how I would get attention and do nothing with it, he is just attention-hungry.
    I would turn my head away and walk toward a table with a lot of drinks on it, "Hey, Twerp!! I was talking to you! You know that's rude, right?" he yelled at me while I just walked off. I left him to be with his tantrum while I reached for a cup, still too short to reach, shocking.
    "Let me help you," another one of my cousins had come over, grabbing the cup for me. She smiled a bit, "I made tea in the kitchen if you want some!" She knew some of my favorite things-if you could call it that. I followed her to the kitchen, she was my favorite family member, that didn't include my parents, though she was much older than me. She was caring and in a way like me, on some terms that is.
    "I made sure this was saved just for you," she handed me a glass of tea and giggled a bit, "Which meant I had to hide it and tell everyone hands off!" Her dark brown hair, that almost looked black, flowed behind her as she twirled my direction and her blue and green eye sparkled. "I hope we can hang out a lot more! We could draw so much more," she smiled once again with a loving stare, "Aaron, I hope one day you find someone that will be your destined mate!" She looked toward me while my mouth opened a bit, "That would make me so happy, then I could leave this planet with ease," tears began to form around her eyes, a bit shocking because she never showed any sign of weakness.
    "I will miss you when I'm gone, but I will help protect you and the person you love," her smile got smaller, "This illness is a blessing and a curse, a shame I cannot enjoy my life with you." She twirled around once again but much slower, once she was done we walked into the large room where everyone else was. 
    I sat my glass down and listened to the song playing, "This is one of my favorite songs," she hummed, "Won't you at least dance with me this one time?" I nodded even though I wasn't much of a dancer, I know that this wasn't in my nature but she was the only one who really understood what I was going through. She grabbed my hand gently and took me to the dance floor while we somewhat danced, "See, this isn't so bad," she laughed quietly, "Just you and me, dancing like angels."
    She was my favorite person indeed. She was my only true friend to say the least. I would hate to see her pass, but she won't be in any more pain, right? People say death is painless and swift, and that there is nothing better than to be let go of any pain. My cousin mentions going to the heavens and meeting the people she held dear to her again. I hope that when I die I can see what it's like to see those things, those colors she had once seen.
   Time passed and she began to lower a bit, her eyes dull. At that moment, it seemed like time had slowed down just for her. "Aaron, I love you more than anything, and I will do anything to make you happy," she weakly smiled, "I hope that you can find that special someone that will be forever yours until time is no more. Help you see the colors that I want you to see." She collapsed in front of me while screams were heard around me.
    "Call 911!" someone yelled as I looked at the corpse in front of me. I was too young then to realize she wanted someone who was empty, who didn't care, to be her everything. She wanted me, a four-year-old boy, to be her last happy thought and I gave it to her. Now she lies dead in front of that small boy who was once her best friend, dead.
    I was frozen in place, not from fear, from shock, from the fact that the person I would actually be proud to call family was dead in front of me.
    "Get the kids out of here!" another yelled out as I was pulled away from the scene by my mother.
    "Why? Why now? And why in front of my son?" I looked up at her face that had streams of tears flow down her cheeks. She cared about her just as much as anyone else, so when she said 'why?' she didn't mean it in a rude way. "Why did she have to be ill? Ill with something so dangerous too," she sniffled.
    I remembered her talking to me about creatures like demons, angels, and everything else under the sun. I can still hear her say, "When I die, I hope to become an angel, or maybe I might get a second chance, huh? This sickness is probably one that angels are familiar with or something," and the soft giggle that followed afterward. She had said that it was dumb, but I was hoping she was right, hoping that she would get her dream to come true. Deep down I was hoping. Hoping she got her second chance.

"I'm sorry, Lynel..."

AaronOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora