chapter two

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i see food all over the floor. dammit

"ahh what the fuck" i whisper to myself

"oh my god i'm so so sorry, are you ok?" i hear a voice behind me say

i turn around and see a boy with beautiful hazel eyes and like a brownish  hair color. and that jawline? damn cut me up hoe.

"yeah, yeah im okay thanks" i say getting my head back to reality

he offered me a hand, and i obviously took it so i could stand myself back up

i look at myself and i look like a complete shithole right now.

i brush as much food i could off of me when i hear the boy say, "do you mind if i buy you what you ordered? i honestly feel really guilty about it."

i look up at him with furrowed eyebrows and tell him, "no really it's my fault, i'll order it don't worry"

"no i insist"

"ugh ok fine. thank you by the way" i said smiling

"yeah no problem."

i turn around to go back to where my friends are when he grabbed by arm and turned me back around facing him

"i never caught your name"

"the name's lily. yours?"

"my name's cam. do you mind if i ask for your number?" he asked while taking out his phone

"yeah sure" i grabbed his phone and typed my name in his contacts

"done" i said while giving back his phone

"thank you" he smiled and got in line.

i walk back down to where my friends are and they all had shocked facial expressions.

"what?" i said while laughing

"first, gurl what happened back there?" hannah said

"didn't you see?"

"yeah no shit sherlock we saw what happened, but like what did you guys talk about over there?" gabe said pointing to where i once was

"oh he was insisting on buying me a new plate since i dropped the first one and asked my name and number, that's all" i shrugged my shoulders and drank some of my dr. pepper

"well we'll talk about this later, but first you need to get your ass cleaned up since you look like a full on trash can right now" kylie said making me laugh so hard

i walk myself to the bathroom to get myself cleaned up

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