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I struggle to hold the thirst back, breathing in and out slowly. MG looks rattled and ready to grab me if anything happens.

"No thanks.....Kaleb." I say through gritted teeth. "I'm good."

"Suit yourself." He looks Dana in the eyes and compels her. "Our little secret." He nods at MG and I.

"How're you feeling?" Milton slides into an empty seat near the back, and opens a vein in his arm which drops slowly. "Go ahead. Drink." He nods and I attach my mouth feverishly to the open wound. My fangs lengthen and I swear, I feel some part of him tense up beneath me. His eyes roll back into his head, ecstasy from the bite winning him over. I release my grip and allow him to heal. I pull his lips onto mine, his attacking playfully. He tugs on my bottom lip with his teeth earning a low moan from me. A bead of blood, my blood, hits the cracking leather. One hand grabs fistfuls of my hair pulling my body closer to his. I swirl my hand to the back of his head, obtaining a straddle position. His manhood pokes my stomach and I pull away to breathe. "You're way better than Dana. Come on, Mr. Williams will probably be wondering what happened to us."

MG and I get back to our coach who's sitting and reading a book; something on Gargoyles.

"Hope and Josie had to go, so you two are on trash duty."

"The windows are clean and the graffiti is gone."

"Good. Continue the girls' chores and you two will receive credit in the long run."

"Great," Milton and I spend the next hour picking up trash. We return to Mr. Williams desk and find that we have another till takeoff. "We do have time to grab a soda."

"Don't draw attention to yourselves."

"We won't, don't worry."

Milton holds the door to Mickey's Cafe open after me and slips an arm around my bare waist; his finger clinking against my belly-button piercing.

"When'd you get this?"

"Two years ago. My biological father left my mother and I."

"I had no idea," his grip tightens as his gaze locks on the Timberwolves. "What do you want?" He takes his cash out and hands it to the cashier.

"Peppermint Mocha and a chocolate croissant." MG orders a pumpkin spice latte.

I choose a booth under a window in the back and lick the whipped cream topped upon my drink. MG lifts a finger and swipes a bit of whipped cream off my lips, slipping it into his mouth, his face contorting into a smile.
"Delicious," he purrs, sipping his latte. I close my eyes for a few moments and touch the bracelet that Lizzie had given me which brings on a vision.

Lizzie is lying on a wooden table, gray slash marks covering her upper body, she's paralyzed. Something drags it's claws along the walls and bumps into a vase.

"Are you okay?" Milton grabs my arm.

"Something's wrong. Lizzie's hurt."

"How do you know?"

"I had another vision. She's paralyzed and everyone's trapped in the library."

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