Chapter 4

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When Lana and her friends walked into the room she saw what looked like the roots of a tree.  There were rays of light that peaked through the ceiling, and a large table at the center. With in the roots of the tree were four sets of wings and what looked liked white robes with gold edges. "Please take a seat around the table. Our meeting will begin in a few minutes," said Lexie. They each sat down, with Lana in between Drew and Carmen with Lorenzo next to Drew. She looked around the room. The room was very spacious. Then the door from which they came through opened again. A man with purple hair which was spiked up, and blood red eyes walked to chair opposite of Lana. Lana and the others remain silent until Carmen said "Who are you and why did you bring us here?"

"Do not worry young Carmen. You will find out soon enough," said the purple haired man as he sat down in the chair in front of them. "You must all be wondering who I am and why you're here. Well, my name is Malcom Tojo and I am a warrior angel." Lana and her friends had a shocked look on their faces. "This must be some sort of joke right," said Lorenzo,"there are no such thing as warrior angels. In fact, angels don't even exist."

"Oh angels exist, kid. Both warrior angels and fallen angels exist in this world." Lexie sat down next to Malcom. She was wrapping her red hair around her fingers. "If you haven't found out yourselves, then allow me to tell you that all four of you are warrior angels."

"Hold on that's impossible," said Lana,  We're just normal teenagers." Malcom stood from his seat and turned to stare out the window behind him. At that moment Lana could tell that he wasn't joking.

 "Lexie wasn't joking. You four are a special type of warrior angel. Each of you are able to control the elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. The ability to control one of the four elements is rare. Many angels control holy and darkness as well as controlling subdivisions of the elements such as nature or ice. For those who have the ability to control at least one of the four elements are called Guardian Angels," said Malcom."We could tell that you were the four because of your birth mark. Our research team discovered that each guardian angel has a birth mark in the shape of the element they control. Drew would you lift the sleeve of your right hand."

Confused at first, Drew lifted the sleeve of his right hand. As he lifted his sleeve, it revealed a gold birth mark in the shape of roaring flames on his wrist. Everyone besides Malcom and Lexie gasped in surprise. Lana could tell that Drew was a little shocked himself.  "Congratulations Drew. It seems that you're the guardian angel of fire." 

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