Masquerade Party II

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Zacky's POV


I walked home from the party, Brian had driven me home but I didn't want to bother him. Besides my house wasn’t even that far away. I couldn't believe Mary did that, even if it was me; I felt sick to the stomach, I felt depressed all over again, the sadness and the pain filled my body once again, just like it did before. I felt betrayed. She didn't know that it was me; she kissed a stranger, a man she barely knew. 

I felt angry at her, even if I knew that, this feeling wouldn't last long. 

I opened the front door slamming it shut behind me, I stomped my way upstairs and headed to bed, I didn't bother taking off my clothes. I was too tired to do so. That night, as I slept, I couldn't get my mind off of Mary, I saw her whenever I closed my eyes, making me wish that I could survive without sleep. 

But I knew I would have to deal with it. 

I woke up the next morning, feeling as tired as the other days. The only thing that would run through my mind was Mary, and how badly I had fucked up with her. Maybe the reason why she kissed me last night was to show that she was ready to move on with someone else? Maybe I fucked up things for good. If I didn't fuck up I wouldn't be here, thinking about all of this... I got out of my bed, drained of energy and emotions. When was this ever going to stop?

I wish I had left my ex long before, so Mary and I would be together. After taking a shower and eating breakfast, I was sitting lazily on my couch watching nothing, just thinking too much again when I heard a sudden knock on the front door, I frowned. Who could that be?

Probably Brian to check up on me again to see if I was alright.

I stood up and made my way lazily toward the front door, I took a deep breath before I opened it, just to revile the one I never thought would come, Mary. She had a sad expression on her face, her eyes held sadness and such regret. "H-Hey, can I come in?" She asked me with a small voice. I pushed myself to the side so she could enter. The only thing that ran through my mind that very moment, was what she was doing here? Was she here to tell me that her and I could never be or was she going to confess kissing that 'stranger'? She stood shyly in the living room looking around.

I wasn't going to be the first talking for sure, I felt the anger rush back to me once again. I knew that I shouldn't feel this way, but I couldn't help it, I was actually jealous of myself and I couldn't look past it. It was supposed to be a stranger after all. 

"Zacky, I just want to say that I'm sorry," she finally spoke breaking the silence in the room; I sighed shutting the front door. 

"Sorry for what?" I asked as if nothing had happened, I walked passed her and over to the couch, I sat down and stared at my hands. "Kissing a damn stranger that you didn't even know?" I questioned looking up at her, but she didn't really look surprised that I knew. 


"No, don't Zacky me," I shouted standing back up, I glared at her and felt the pain and sadness begin to feel my body once again, it was like a never ending cycle. What I hated was the way she said my name, I wanted to be mad at her, but when she said my name that way, it was hard to stay mad at her. "I was feeling like complete shit, I tried to do everything to get you to forgive me. I would have bought you the entire world if I could just so you could forgive me, I would have done anything!!" 

"Now you know exactly how I feel Zachary!" she shouted using my full name, it was weird, and I could see the tears building up in her eyes as she said that. "I gave my heart to you, and you just threw it away." She said making her way in front of me, I stared down at her; I tried to hold back the tears, but I knew that they were going to fall sooner or later.

"Just like how you did to me," I said in a low voice. 

"I knew it was you," she said, her voice cracking. I stared at her puzzled. "Last night, I knew that was you even if you did try to hide yourself. I kissed you because I knew it was you!!" She shouted pulling me by the collar of my shirt, and then suddenly she crashed her lips onto mine. I didn't want to pull away, I didn't even want her to stop, and I wanted this to happen. I've wanted it for so long—to feel her soft lips against mine, it's what I looked forward to, and my body had craved her touch for so long now. 

I snaked my arms around her to pull her closer to deepen the kiss, it became more passionate and rough while she wrapped her arms around my neck while her fingers ran through my hair, a feeling that I enjoyed. 

I hated this; I wanted so badly to be mad at Mary, and yet there I was, kissing her and missing everything about her, all I wanted to do was hold her in my arms forever. I didn't feel anger toward her anymore, there was nothing but love. 

We pulled away tears running down the sides of her face, and I'm sure that I had some tears that slipped as well. I wiped her tears away with my thumb and smiled at her. "Do you forgive me Zacky?" She asked in a small voice yet again, my heart ached, how was I supposed to stay mad at her after a kiss like that and the way she was looking at me? I sighed, finally giving in to her.

"Yeah," I smiled and nodded, "I forgive you that is...if you forgive me as well?" 

"Yes Zacky, I forgive you."  

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