Rule 1.2

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That day of school had to be the longest in the history of high school year. It seemed to drag on and on, a never ending day, a reminder that what I was doing was a horrible thing, but that didn't stop me. Here it is, Friday, and the day of the guys' gig and here I was, trying to break Ashton's heart over a stupid bet that I shouldn't have made and want to take back so badly.

Ashton was usually in my last period of school, but today, Calum, Michael and Ashton had skipped the last 2 classes to rehearse for this show they were about to perform. Luke, had stayed at school and had told me that Ashton said to give me Ashton's number for the address for the gig he had invited me to. Alexis had dropped me off, one because she wanted to make sure that I knew not to get attached and two, my car was at the shop because it was being fixed. (Door dingers will ruin my life.)

It wasn't too bad of a place, not usually the place I would come to with my friends, of course. It was a semi-rundown club-type place. It was only able to hold about 5 tables and the bar without being over-crowded. The guys were setting up their instruments on what looked to be a no longer good dance floor.

I sat quietly at one of the booths in the back, on my phone and waiting for them to start. There was maybe 3 other people there and no one I really cared to talk to besides Ashton, but he was busy with his drum set that kept seeming to fall apart while he was practicing and I laughed a bit to myself.

"What's so funny?" Michael asks from behind me, making me drop my phone and jump almost a foot out of my booth. "Jumpy?"

"A bit, and Ashton's having a hard time with his drum set staying together. It's cute," I say, letting the last part slip and I quickly cover my mouth.

Michael sits in the booth across the table from me, watching me closely.

"You don't really like him do you," he says, eyeing me, it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"What would make you think that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. I actually did like Ashton, a lot and Jade knew this, that's why she picked him.

"I have my sources, of course Ashton isn't believing me when I say you're just using him. You're just wanting to date him and leave him, I'm not for sure why though. Why you would do that to any of the guys you date actually," Michael says, sitting back in the booth getting comfortable.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I really do like Ashton. He's nice and sweet and - wait, why am I admitting this to you? I need to prove you anything, the first words I've ever spoken to you were today. Why are you judging me so quickly?" I ask, starting to get defensive. I thought it was obvious I liked Ashton, I'm not even having to act.

Michael just rolls his eyes, getting up and leaving as a very sweaty Ashton comes and sits where Michael had been sitting a few moments before.

"Hey! I'm glad you came, I apologize for whatever Michael said to you," he says, automatically making me feel guilty, there was no way I was going to be able to get through this bet without breaking both of our hearts.

"It's okay, he didn't really say anything anyways," I say, well at least anything I didn't know.

Ashton relaxed in his seat, almost exactly the same way Michael did, just less cautiously. I took this chance to study him for a minute. He seemed so relaxed, his smile was defiantly contagious, something that made him even cuter in my eyes. I think he noticed me watching him though because he smiled bigger, and his dimples got deeper as his smile widened.

"Like what you see?" he asks, giggling, oh my gosh he giggled.

"What do you mean?" I ask, acting as if I didn't know exactly what he was talking about.

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