Rule 1.3

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I was having the hardest time falling asleep that night. As I stared at my clock on my nightstand it clicked 12:14 and I wished that I could sleep. Even my 11:11 wish was for sleep, that didn't seem to be coming.

My phone dinged from my desk and I stood up to look at it. A message from Ashton. A smile spread across my face as I opened it. 'Lets sneak out'

I smiled a bit to myself, I wasn't going to get any sleep tonight anyways.

'Where are we going?' I text back quickly, and I start getting dressed.

'Anywhere :) Pick you up in 5'

I smile big and wear short shorts and a crop top. Soon enough, I hear a knock at my window and I turn to see that it's Ashton and I open it, letting him in. He doesn't come in very gracefully, making a loud noise as he falls through the window and I laugh a bit to myself.

"Sorry," he whispers, not wanting to wake anyone up.

"It's alright, so where are you wanting to go?" I whisper back, becoming curious on why out of anyone he would want to sneak out with me.

"I want to show you this place," he says, taking my hand pulling me out the window with him and he falls to the ground again, this time pulling me with him and I fall on top of him and I giggle.

"You aren't the sneakest person are you?" I ask, laughing a bit and Ashton smiles up at me as we both stand up.

He keeps a hold of my hand and I smile, looking down at our intertwined fingers,"Oh, sorry," he says, laughing nervously and lets go of my hand, making me a bit upset. I wanted to stay at least a little close to him.

We walk to his beat up car and I get in the passenger seat while Ashton gets in the drivers. "Are you going to tell me where we are going now?" I ask, curiousity eating me up inside.

"It's a surprise," he says, looking through his glove box and pulls out a bandana, handing it to me,"here put this on."

"Why would I do that?" I ask.

"So you can't see the place I'm taking you to, it's a secret."

"I'm pretty sure this could and is considered kidnapping," I say, laughing a bit and not wanting to put on the makeshift blindfold.

"Just put it on," he says, he had a bit of annoyance in his voice, but the most part was that he thought it was funny.

"Ash... I don't want to," I whine.

"Did you just call me Ash?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh look this is an interesting bandana," I say quickly, putting on the blindfold. I hear him laugh as he continues driving,"At least turn on some music."

"Alright," he says and I hear him messing with the radio as he finds a station stopping on one that is playing 'Small Things' by Blink-182.

I smile, singing along, loud and obnoxiously. Ashton laughs from beside me and I look in his direction, even though the blindfold is blocking my view,"do you have a problem?"

"Nope," he says, popping the p.

The rest of the car ride is really quiet, besides Ashton and I singing to a few songs. Finally, after what seems like centuries, Ashton gets out and comes to my side opening my door, making sure that my blindfold is still on. "Okay, we're going to walk for a bit, I'm going to guide you, do you trust me?"

"Considering I put on this blindfold bandana thing and let you drive for years, I think you can answer that for youself," I say, holding onto his arm while he walks and I follow him the best I can. He laughs, making me smile and I hear what sounds like a door. The next thing I know the blindfold is taken off of me and I'm in something that looks like a treehouse with a little wood door, but it was on the ground instead of a tree.

"Whoa," I say, looking at the small room.

"Welcome to my secret place," he says, smiling as big as I've ever seen him smile.

"Did you make this place?" I ask.

"My dad and I did before he umm.. left," he says, not meaning to, but hinting that it was a sensitive topic and I nod.

"It's amazing," I say, looking around again in awe. You could see the stars amazingly from it and they looked beautiful, not outshined by the lights of the streets.

"Thank you, I've never shown anyone it before," he says, looking up through the little window like I was and I look at him,"Not even the guys?"

"Not even the guys, I haven't even told my mom or siblings about it actually. This is where I come when I just need to relax."

"Then, why are you showing me?" I ask, not being able to come to a reason that I should be that special to see this beautiful place.

"I'm not for sure, something just feels special about you. I feel like you deserve to see this place, I don't feel like I would if I showed the guys this place."

"I'm guessing that's a compliment," I say, giggling a bit.

"Yeah, of course," he says, and goes to the other side of the little room. I watch him grab two sleeping bags from the corner and sets them out and I walk over to him sitting down on one of them.

Ashton smiles and lays down. I lay down beside him and there's a perfect view of the starry night sky and I smile big. "This is great, the sky is so pretty out here," I say.

"I know, I use to sneak out all the time just to come here. It got to the point where I would come out here almost every night and wake up early the next day so my mom didn't find out that I ever left."

"Why?" I ask.

"I usually came out when my parents had been fighting a lot, this place just really got everything out of my mind. It's a good place to clear your head," he says and I nod.

"I think everyone has one place they go to be alone," I say, thinking of where I would always go off to.

"Where's yours?" he asks, sitting up a bit and turning sideways, laying his head on his hand and looking at me.

"How about I show you next time that we sneak out?" I ask.

"So, we are going to do this again?" he asks.

"Are we going to be sharing our special places with each other?"

"Yeah," he says smiling, I smile back, unable to hold it in.

I felt so happy with Ashton, like something that I had never felt with any guy ever before. This feeling is making me realize that I never loved any of those guys that broke my heart. I just needed love and so that's what my brain made, it wasn't what my heart felt.

"What are you thinking about?" Ashton asks, I had been in my thoughts for quite a while now.

"Nothing, just looking at the stars," I say,"Isn't this where you try to impress me by telling me the names of the stars and all that stuff and then I go on the internet and find out that you made all of it up?"

"Why would I do that?" he asks, laughing a bit.

"Trust me, it has happened before, multiple times acutally."

Ashton laughs more, laying back down beside me and pulling me close to him.

"Are we staying here?" I ask, becoming really tired while in his arms.

"Yeah, if it's alright with you," he says, closing his eyes.

"It is 100% okay with me," I say, closing my eyes, drifitng to sleep.

I felt so comfortable in Ashton arms, his grasp was so comforting, a feeling I wanted to get use to. It just felt right. Like I'm suppose to be there. Like it's where I belonged.

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