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Everyone inside the class froze including myself, I could feel every girls burning glare and the boy's stare filled with shock and such. The attention had made me feels soft and cornered, it was uncomfortable considering Im usually invisible to the eyes of everyone

" Who's Jeon Jungkook ? " Asked a deep recognisable voice. Everybody turns their attention to the two popular guys in class. Their eyes sparkled in adoration and amazement while I only looked at them in fear. Soon enough? our gazes locked and the corner of their lips curved into a smirk

" Hmm  " They hum before sitting back down, giving each other a low five. Later, after the teacher finished discussing what to do , the schedule and deadlines. She dismissed the class and as if plannes the bell rang ,students started leaving the room one by one.

And as I started to gather my stuff, I felt presence behind me and so, I turned to be met with the twins themselves. I gulped feeling blood rush up to my face.

" So ? When do you think you can finish the project ? " they spoke

I knew this was coming

" I don't know .. " I replied, they just shrugged and nodded. They walked out of the room, relieving me alot.

Lunch came by and I was on my way to my usual spot, the rooftop. I smiled as I felt the fresh breeze of the wind as I reached the place. But as I proceed, I saw a figure ,sitting down near my usual spot and I froze ,realizing I wont be alone. When I turned to leave ,it was just about time he notices my presence

" Hey " His voice was light and soft, but my anxiety remained. What if he's one of my bullies ? What if he is here to bully me ? countless of thoughts ran through my head, and regretted having them immediately when I turned to meet his angelic eye smile

" I'm new Park Jimin's the name !!! " He said, his voice glazed with excitement and joy. I bit my bottom lip and hesitated before introducing myself. " I-Im Jungkook .. Jeon Jungkook "

"GREAT ! I made my first friend here so mind telling me about some stuff ? " his voice was filled with joy and I just couldnt say no. " Oh uh well sure " he smiled brightly and thanked me continuesly. Soon we were sat down at my usual spot

" Well um I think I'll warn you first about me " his smile fell and frowned in confusion. I gulped ," Well as you can see not everyone likes me here I'm more like the nerd kid so if you want to go now you ca- " he cut me off " oh no bunbun I couldn't care less besides your nice and cutee " he squealed I smiled a bit Ive never had a friend here before

" So i heard that there are models who studies here ? " he asked I nodded " Ah yes well the Kim twins " he gasped a little " wait you mean the famous V and Taehyung ? "I nodded, we talked for a few more minutes until the bell rang we exchanged phone numbers and bid goodbye

My first friend

Taehyung POV

Annoyed that's what i feel right now seriously this girls kept on bugging me and V and kept on touching us. I almost rolled my eyes but I didn't want my picture ruined for being rude I smiled at her and gently moved her hands off

" Cupcake I'm sorry but we don't like people touching us " the girl squealed making me feel more annoyed but she did take her hands away and just smiled

" youre so kind oppa " we just smiled at her. We were skipping classes, its fine as along as it doesnt ruin our carreer so basically ,were free to roam around.

" Tae I'm tired let's go home " V suggested, his voice laced with boredom and laziness. I nodded in agreement and went through the silent empty halls. But on our way, we heard some noises. The next thing we knew is we are behind a wall ,watching a boy get beaten.

There were about 5 students surrounding a boy who was on the ground ,clearly in pain. " aww poor nerd ~ does it hurt ?huh ? well how about this ! " one of the guys started kicking him in the stomach continuesly. The other boys laughed watching him.

We heard the boy begging for them to stop as one of them kept on kicking his stomach

Something snapped within me as I walked forward, V following behind me. " yah " I called out ,catching their attentions. Their lips curved into a smirk.

" Oh if it isn't the infamous Kim twins. Do we have some business ? Cause as you can see .. I'm having fun here " he said leisurely, smirking along with the others

V and I smirked at him and gave each other a knowing look before giving the guy a look.

" believe me, not all fun lasts "


Hi Im rewriting this book and pls ignore the errors 😂😂. After this I will continue this book. Even though the updates will be a lil slow T^T bare with me

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