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**Before getting into this story it has no what so ever incest at all. I also tried not to put in (Y/n) in the story as much so don't worry about that. (This is indeed a Reader Insert Story if you're confused). I'm sorry for this but carry on.**

Being the younger brother of Oswald Cobblepot seems appealing, doesn't it? Everything I want in the palms of my hands, people scrambling away in fear, but no. No, it's not like this at all. It's always business. Business is the way of life, business is survival, its the roof over our heads, it's family and protection.

Somedays I'd sit alone in my room, locked away from reality. Wondering of a place where business wasn't everything, where the family was just Mother, Oswald, and I. Where I could talk, look, smile at anyone without it benefiting the business.

It's these days that I'd wonder if I could run away. Would Oswald run after me? It's those days that I pack my things, open the window, climb out and run. I run as far as I can, if I can't run anymore I jog if I can't then I walk, and if I can't I resort to crawling. Crawling my way out of this city.

Usually, I don't make it that far but each day I've managed one step further than the last. One more step away from neglect, from the numbing painful silence, from family, business, from Oswald.

Yet, I never could find a reason to leave Oswald's side. No matter how he treats me. All I keep saying is that 'He's stressed. He'll snap out of it.' I keep wanting to believe those lies desperately.

The cold Gotham air whirled around me, running its fingers through the boy's hair, dragging them lightly against his exposed skin causing him to shiver, wisps of white smoke that is a breath escape from its chambers of his lips. Closing his eyes and intake a deep breath of air that seemed to freeze his lungs. The sound of police sirens come into focus, loud chatter, the occasional horn honk, loud clattering, and rare laughter providing him of background music.

Opening his eyes the city of Gotham is revealed in her glory. Smog floating in the air, clouds covered the blue of the sky, police cars raced after another criminal, pedestrians walked down below on the stress, some hurry away in fear of being caught in the rain.

His grey eyes scanned the scene below him, an old man had just accused a young adolescent of stealing his money. The sight was nothing new to the young boy. It was just an everyday occurrence here in Gotham.

'City of Crime.'

Oh, how that title couldn't be truer.

His body tensed as he was brought back to reality with a jolt. Arms flung outwards, his chest tightens, stomach dropping, quickly sucking in a deep breath he tried to catch his balance. After all, if he failed the result would lead to death. Painful or not it didn't seem like an appealing idea. Especially when he thought about what Oswald would have to say about it.

"Death by gravity. I always knew that you failed at many things but I never knew breathing could be one of them."

The sound of his brother's sharp criticizing words imaginary or not shot a sudden bullet of confidence through his body. He wasn't so good at anything but living has to something he'd be good at. He has to show his older brother that he wasn't some reckless brat.

Shouts from below brought his attention from the task at hand. The street at the bottom of the building became ever so slowly crowded with people, and a few cars had pulled over.

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