Heres to the past

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Love. A thing everyone has and everyone needs. Right? Well sometimes we do stupid shit for love, for those whom we love. But never had I thought this would be my life.
But we aren't there yet let's start at the beginning. Hi I'm Hayley Ortiz, I'm 19 years old, I'm a barista at a local cafe. I'm currently in my second year of collage, It's like a living hell. At least that's what I thought hell was like before. I'm a simple kind of gal, don't have to many friends I focus on my education, I will admit I do party from time to time and when I say that I mean literally every Friday at these stupid frat houses.
If we're honest I'm not the most popular in my group of "friends" they're all fake bitches but aye, I try to fit in. No boyfriend, all the boys here act as if they were still in high school. Yet again if you think about it all boys all ages act like that. Well that's what I thought until I met Ryan Cruz. But again we aren't there yet, let's start there at the beginning.

*2 years ago*
"Hayley you really need a boyfriend" Juliette says as she laughs.

"Juliette I rather much get back to my ex then date any of these childish frat boys. Who by the way have tried or have gotten in every girls pants." I say rolling my eyes still deciding what to wear.

"Gee that's why your a single bitch. Listen Hayley, So what if they have a high body count." Kelsey says.

"Well for one I don't want chlamydia or any kind of std thanks but I'll pass. Should I wear the black or red dress"

"Ughh who gives a shit what you wear if you aren't gonna take it off for anyone anyways" Meredith why must you always be a bitch to everyone. Literally rolling my eyes.

"Meredith quit being such a stuck up spoiled brat, and Hayley go for the black one it makes you look thick" ahh Maggie the nice one that gets taken advantage of because of how nice she is.

"Thank you Maggie!" I say and put on the dress

"Alright bitches enough chit chat time to go hot boys await for us!!" That would be Anastasia. ana for short. She's the life of the party.

*one hour later a couple beers later*

So not to be a party pooper or anything but these frat parties get a little boring going to them every Friday. Same guys same girls. Same couples cheating on each-other.

"Hey you knew around here?" There right before my eyes stood a really cute tall guy.

"Haha. No just don't go out to parties that much." Come on now Hayley be cool he's super cute.

"Mm. I see. Let me guess you're here with a group of friends and they all love hooking up with frat guys and getting fucked up until they pass out?"

"Bingo, hah. But tell me about you I've never seen your face around campus or at a party."

"Nah been here a while, just keep it on the low ya know."

"I would say yes but I would be lying"

"Haha you're cute. Does this pretty girl have a name?" Yes if you're wondering I'm blushing.

"Well yes I do. I'm Hayley Ortiz, and you are."

"Ryan.. Ryan Cruz"

"Nice to meet you Ryan Cruz. So tell me what brings you around to a party like this?"

" honestly I'm just here with some friends, parties aren't really my thing."
I nod.

"Fair enough, so Ryan what do you do for a living?"

"If it's not clear enough I go to college"

"Real funny I mean what do you do other then go to school"

"Well nothing really"

"Mm not much of an open book huh? I could tell you're lying"

"Oh yeah well why don't you tell me what you think of me"

"Well I think you are a very good looking guy around 20 21 years old. Not much of a social guy, more mysterious then normal people. Makes me think you work as a business man."

"Well you weren't wrong but you aren't completely right. I'm 21 years only, and I work as a cashier"

"Damn I would've never guessed"

"Too good looking to be a catchier huh?"

"Hah. Yes. More like you should be a male stripper" I completely and utterly hate myself for saying that.

"Hey that's not such a bad idea. I could dance for you and you could throw those dollar bills at me." I like this guys he's not like the others.

"Hey sorry to interrupt this moment but she really has to go meet up with um yeah bye mysterious hot guy." Meredith always ruining my moments when I finally get to start talking to someone. I mouth to him "sorry I have to go" and walk out the party with Meredith and the girls already waiting out side for us.

"Hey what the hell I was talking to him!" I say kind of mad.

"Girl he clearly doesn't like you come on. Haha. He's way out of your league a hot guy like him with a girl like you no baby. It doesn't work, I'm saving you"

"Gee Meredith, can you be a bigger fucking bitch?" I roll my eyes and walk away just heading straight to my apartment.


Alright alright helloo my humble beautiful people. Anyways welcome to my new story a touch of evil just wanna day this in advance I'm making this story based off a dream I once's had.

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