I like food.

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God I love food. I eat every chance I get. My addiction first started one sunny afternoon, the sun beaming down as I sat in my lawn chair within a heavily wooded area. There was this perfect spot that had a lovely clearing for the sun to beam down through, being a nature freak, I was naturally drawn to it. As I had my glass of lemonade in my hand, I thought I heard something plop into it and I turned my head, but soon I realized it was just nothing, and that it was actually just a tapeworm that had dropped in the puddle beside me. I drank the rest of the lemonade heartily, savoring every drop until it was all eventually gone. When I returned home, I realized just how ridiculously hungry I had become. I go to my refrigerator and open it up. To be modest, I merely took a sandwich I prepared earlier and quickly ate it, though, I became so hungry, the rest of the food was irresistible to me, so I ate and ate and drank and drank until the fridge was absolutely empty of anything even remotely edible. But...I wasn't satisfied...

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