Chapter 16

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I looked down at a now passed out Natalie Brantley. Rage and guilt consumed me. Rage because of the stupidity of the fates. Did they not know that Natalie and I hated each other?!

Guilt, because I had hit my “mate” and because I did not heed Natalie’s warning. Finally rage again but this time from my tiger. He was seething at both me and Natalie. Natalie because she dared keep her identity a secret and me because I had dared hurt his mate.

This changes nothing! I yell at my tiger.

Everything changes he fights back she is our mate, no matter the charges against her, she is our mate.

She guards the abomination I remind him.

You have a point he conceded if we want a life with her and appease the Council Elders we must end the brat’s life.

Deal I reply. I look back down at my mate. Anguish floods my body as I glance at her now healed left arm. My tiger was sleeping peacefully in my head.

I didn’t want her. She was still Natalie Brantley the mere girl that got her rank simply because of the color of her fur. While I had to dig and crawl to my status and even then the “Solaris” was considered top priority. Then she goes and disrespects the Elders. A brat that’s what she is. The sooner I found the hybrid the sooner I go home to the clan.

I felt my tiger stir at the emotions I was feeling. I quickly put up a wall between our thoughts. That just made him angier. Though I can’t deal with him and I can’t risk him discovering what my real plan was going to be he could warn her tiger. Something about being mates and her being a white tiger. Damn it! why didn’t I pay more attention when we were discussing mates. That’s right! I was more interested in screwing…what was her name; she was Natalie’s best friend, Savannah that was her name Savannah.

All I had to do now was convince Natalie that I “accepted” her and want to help her. Then all I had to do was capture her and the brat then haul her ass all the way to Siberia to the Elder, on the other hand I could bring the council to me and save me the trouble of her struggling. Bingo that was the plan after that I would reject her and continue with my whorish ways. I chuckle to myself. My plan was bullet proof.

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