Chapter 19

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As I ran out I looked for a place where the sun was more visible.

"what are you planning" she asked

"a teleportation" I responded

"we aren't strong enough for a could kill us."

"we have no other choice we have to escape!" I snap

"and Mia?" she asked softly

"DAMN IT!" I scream mentally and out load.

Instead I ran to the parking lot. I searched for a fast car and I spotted a 2012 black corvette. I grinned and ran to the car and started it with my powers. Just as I got into the car Jason appeared in front of the car and just as he stepped towards it I slammed my foot on the gas and the corvette jumped forward. Jason jumped to the side and I fish tailed the car and was satisified when I heard a loud thunk on the car and a loud groan from the bastard. I shifted to reverse and backed-up onto Jason, shifted to drive again and sped off onto the street with a smirk on my face.

Take that you bastard.

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