Chapter Four

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~Chapter 4~

*~* Nathan Griffin's POV *~*

Well, I think as Sang stands on the other side of the room keeping the leather recliner between us and her, it could be worse.

Yeah, Gabriel's voice adds as he uses Owen's link to enter my thoughts, she could be fucking running out the front door screaming bloody murder.

I huff in annoyance as I slide my eyes away from Sang and over to Gabe. Not helping, I send him through the link, and he just responds by using Mr. B's back to hide him flipping me off.

"Well," Doc says, breaking the awkward silence, "looks like the demon's out of the bag." A unanimous groan erupts throughout the room.

"Geez Doc," Luke tells him, "way to just rip off the band-aid."

"It's not like we can ease her into all this," Doc scuffs as he waves his hand in North's direction, "she can literally see our dirty little secret."

"Fucking hell," Gabe groans as he runs his hands down his face. "You're not helping our shitty situation here, Doc."

"Yeah," North's booming voice adds, "you're making this seem ten times fucking worse than it really is."

"Then," Sang's timid voice quickly silences us and pulls our attention strictly to her again, "what's it really?"

I watch as those bright green eyes bounce around the room before settling on the floor at her feet again.

She's not comfortable making eye contact, Sean notes through the link as he takes a half step closer to her, be careful with how you approach her. Seems her first instinct is to run when she's scared.

"Pookie," he softly says out loud to her. "Please, come sit back down and we'll explain everything." He slowly takes another small step towards her, and my heart begins to pound erratically.

What the fuck? Confused, I bring my hand up to rub against my chest as I take a deep breath to calm my racing pulse.

Are you feeling it too, Nate? Kota questions through the link, causing the others to discreetly glance between us. I think it's coming from Sang.

I pay closer attention to her as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other, bringing one hand up to press a trembling tiny finger against her bottom lip. My own hand twitches at my side as I fight from mirroring her movements.

Is this the link? I send to Kota as Sean finally coaches Sang out from behind the chair and back into her spot on the couch.

Owen, can you pick something up in her thoughts? Sean asks as he takes his spot back on the coffee table.

Her thoughts are hazy, he links to us. Can anyone get a reading on her? I look around at the few who have sensory abilities.

My heart begins to races again when Mr. B leans slightly closer to her to grab her attention from Doc.

Her minds to heavily guarded for me to create a connection, Victor sends with Luke conforming a second later.

Warmth surrounds me as Silas tries next. It grows in intensity with every fanatic beat of my matching panic heart until my body feels on the verge of overheating. I can feel her stronger emotions, but that's all.

I won't know until she allows me to touch her, Sean adds last.

*~* Sang Sorenson's POV *~*

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