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Disclaimer: I set Billy and the reader's age in this fic to be around 16-17 years old.

"How exactly do you know so much about the Justice League?" asked Gotham's new (albeit reluctant and bored) vigilante.

Y/N had cornered Billy on his way home from school. They had met a couple times before, mostly when Bruce brought him to the manor because of 'business', so he was only slightly surprised to see her and not at all shocked when she didn't even greet him. He learned early on that the batclan tended to skip pleasantries.

"I'm just a big fan. Who wouldn't be?" Billy lied.

The girl then proceeded "Right, so you're not Shazam is what you're saying?" She then began to rattle off tidbits about his life before she was abruptly cut off

Billy pressed a hand to her mouth. "Not cool, dude. What are you just trying to blow my cover? Ew!" He removed his hand, shaking it as if in an attempt to shake off the germs. "Why'd you lick me?"

"Don't put your hand on me again, Batson, or else you're gonna get a lot worse than my tongue." Y/N said, attempting to look a lot more menacing then she was.

"Sorry." Billy said. "What are you even doing this far from Gotham?"

"I need your help with something." Y/N answered. "So I'm taking you with me."

"Wait.. You want to kidnap me?" Billy asked, incredulously.

Y/N huffed and looked around the empty street. "Well, when you say it that way it sounds so illegal. I just need your help and am ready to take it, if need be."

Billy shrugged. "What exactly do you want?"

"I want you to take me to where you got your powers." His eyes widened at her words.

"Why would you want that?" He asked, more out of reflex than thought.

"I just... I feel like I need a purpose? And maybe if I visit the same place you did, I'll find it." Y/N answered, a look of vulnerable hope coloring her eyes for a moment before determination filled her again. "So.. Are you going to take me or not?"

"Sure." Billy said, walking down the streets. Several times, Y/N pulled them into an alleyway or took a sharp turn or ducked into a store. Billy didn't really ask too much about her reasoning, he just assumed that anyone raised by Batman was too paranoid for their own good.

"Okay, we are almost there." Billy said. "We just need to board the train and then we will be off to find your destiny." Before he could blink, his back hit brick. The, frankly, jaded girl was pinning him to the wall with her forearm.

"Look, I know you're new at this, but we're about to be caught on what was supposed to be a stealth mission. We need a plan to hide." She hissed at him.

Flustered from the close contact, the most he could manage was a weak stutter. She sighed and muttered. "I hope they don't find out about this... " Y/N pulled him into a kiss.

Billy stiffened in shock, his eyes widening. This was the last thing he expected to happen today, but he wasn't really complaining. He relaxed into the kiss, almost forgetting that she had initiated it as a distraction.

She pulled back and looked around. "I think they left." She whispered. Billy nodded dumbly as he followed her lead around the building and down into the train station, still not quite sure what she meant by "stealth mission".

As the two walked down into the station, Billy asked "Stealth mission? What do you mean by that?"

Y/N stopped and turned around. "Well... 'The Big Bad Bat' doesn't exactly know I'm here... Did I leave that part out of my little story?" She smiled when the color drained from his face.

Billy Batson x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now