Random Drabble

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Drabble for "When you said you had a cat, I didn't think you meant a /tiger/..." w/ Billy Batson(love the way you write him btw!)

Y/N said, warily eyeing the boy who was enthusiastically rubbing the tummy of the giant striped cat.

"I was afraid you wouldn't want to come over if I told you the truth." Billy admitted. He looked over to see her standing on the other side of the room. "C'mon, Tawny won't hurt you. She is very polite."

Y/N slowly approached the large beastie before reaching out a hand towards its head. Tawny sniffed her fingers before nuzzling into the girl's palm.

"Told ya." Billy said as Y/N got on her knees and began to pet the tiger.

Billy Batson x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now