(2) Moonlight

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:picture credit: from
Ariana Grande's (moonlight) song


Two days have passed since his late night talk with Aaron; and right now, he just finished his first spar in boxing, all the while he tried to vlog himself from time to time. Alex was glad that he had much to do. It took his mind off of matters he did not want to muse about--things that would just stress him. Funny enough, he got kicked out by his interior designer, Tess, because she needed to be able to work on Alex's new house without spoiling her surprise. So for the next two days, he'll be living five miles away from home, in a borrowed house--along with his brother and roommates.

He could feel the heat of exhaustion all throughout his body right after his training. He and his friend sweated from head to toe. He grabbed his water bottle which rested on one of the benchwalls in the gym and uncapped it. The spar with his friend Jayar felt satisfying.
"Man, you weren't as bad as I'd thought you'd be. You actually managed to put a mark on my left eye" Jayar breathed out and chuckled.
"It's just a tiny mark.." Alex paused to breathe; just as he was going to take a sip of water, he stopped "Wait what do you mean not as bad as you thought--? Did you just underestimate me?"

"Drink up Alex, oh! Let's not forget to vlog" Jayar chuckled and rummaged through their duffle bags for the camera.
"You totally avoided my question.." Alex said accusingly and then sipped on the bottled water.
Jayar merely smiled and held up the found camera.
"Am I going to vlog or are you going to?" He uttered then.
Alex raised a brow and stared at Jayar for a moment, the jiu jitsu fighter had to lightly laugh;
"What?" He asked.
"Just give me the camera" Alex finally said, he was too tired to be able to do any mischief with his friend.
"Alright" Jayar relented and willingly gave Alex the camera. The youtuber exchanged objects with him. Alex fiddled with the camera for a bit.

"You're sweaty" Jayar butted in, smiling.
"And you're not? You look like a village chief who just got done with hunting bussiness" Alex laughed at his own words; Jayar gaped his mouth in surprise then laughed along.
Shortly after regaining themselves, Jayar looked at Alex, as if he wanted to say something.
"What is it?" Alex noticed his hesitance.
"It's just... Whatever you're facing.., Man, we're right here for you 'kay?" The friend stated at last.

"Where did that come from?" Alex retorted. He set aside the camera and slid his sparring gloves in the duffle bag. Jayar felt uneasy about what he said himself; slowly, he capped the water bottle and slid it inside their duffle bag.
"If anything, I'd let you guys have all my problems if ever that was possible" Alex continued, breaking the tension; his friend looked up "That's just how much I count on you guys".
This made Jayar grin. He only managed to pat Alex's shoulder in return for that assertion. And from there, they turned on the camera and started to vlog.

Later that night was the holloween party. Rosanna Pansino's house was lit up with different hues of lights, blending with one another; her abode shined like a kaleidoscope of colors through the night. Although he was sure Lauren wouldn't show up, he still half expected she would be there. He and Aaron met with the twins and went ahead the party. It was going to be a fun night so he made sure to capture most of it on camera.

He was dressed up as Harry Potter, though he knew little about the famous series; Aaron and the twins were dressed up as Star Wars characters. Aaron and Veronica were darkside characters and Vanessa was supposed to be a jedi. And just as Alex had expected, many other youtubers showed up and they met with some friends, even made new ones; Mere moments ago they filmed their beer pong match--Aaron and Veronica against Alex and Vanessa. Surprisingly, the darkside won. Right now, Alex was laughing as he watched Aaron's playful role play with the twins.

Glimpse : Fanfiction (Vanessa & Alex)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora