(7) Play Date

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Vanessa hummed one of their songs as she walked across from their kitchen to the living room, holding a freshly brewed cup of tea in one hand and her phone on the other. It was thanks to Lauren that she was able to enjoy and welcome the new year with a fresh start. She seemed to find it hard to believe that it was already the third week of January. She felt like a new woman again, but deep inside she knew in fact that nothing in her had changed, and she most likely will be spending the year like usual; the young brunette found the thought to be funny, making her chuckle along the way.

Nessa shortly arrived at their living area and sat down on the couch next to her sister Veronica; settling down her cup of tea on a coaster she had set up just before she put it down carefully above the glass table across their seat. She unlocked her phone and visited her social media, taking sips of her drink every now and then. After a half hour had passed, suddenly, Roni leaned forward and spoke up breaking the silence. "Nessa, Aaron's birthday is coming up" she uttered, putting her phone down then facing her sister. "Yeah..? It's still so far away" Vanessa nonchalantly stated as she started to rock her leg that was placed on top of the other. "It's in a week!" her older twin corrected. Nessa looked up upon hearing Roni's statement; time suddenly seemed really fast as February's already about to start.

"Oh.. Oh..?" Nessa replied, her face showed her confusion; but when she processed that Aaron's birthday was indeed near approaching, she just shrugged and looked down on her phone again. "Oh really? that's great, you got any plans for the two of you?" she added. Roni looked at her sister, disappointed. For she saw that Nessa wasn't really invested about the topic; not that she needed to be, but as her sister she could've at least shown a bit more interest. Although it's not like she could blame Nessa either, Roni knew that her attention went more to Aaron than with her twin recently and Nessa most likely had kept quiet about it, seeing that her older sister was happy. Roni knew this as she would've done the same if the tables were turned.

Of course, she felt awful just thinking about her younger sister's situation for she knew what it had been like, back when she didn't have Aaron and Vanessa was still with her ex. Hence why these reasons helped Veronica make up her mind about what to do for Aaron's birthday. "Let's go to some place. All four of us, to celebrate Aaron's birthday" the older twin finally spoke. This caught Nessa's attention making her look up from her phone again. "Hm? To where?" she asked; this time she was much more intrigued. Vanessa was actually wanting to go on a trip early this year as she desperately wanted to spend her year fully, but she didn't expect it to happen this soon. Her sister smiled at her, noticing that her eyes had lit up from the idea. "I don't know yet. I was planning on contacting Alex about this, maybe he'd have a better idea on where to go" Roni shrugged and leaned back on the sofa.

"You're not telling Aaron then?" Nessa propped to her side, raising her one leg on the couch before facing her sister. "Nope. We'll tell him when we've booked a flight" she giggled, the other pair couldn't help her actions and did the same; both feeling the enthusiasm from one another. They decided to contact their friend together.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A notification message sounded on a phone that was laid on the bed, catching the male's attention whom sat beside it. He had his laptop propped up on his lap, as he was editing a video that he'll soon be releasing on his channel, catching up on its near scheduled deadline. He paused on his work and smiled, expecting that the sender was a certain girl he had wished to be with right now; picking up the phone, he then read the new message.

His smile was quickly replaced with two brows raised in surprise when he read the contact. It was from Vanessa Merrell.

'Hey alex, since aaron's birthday is coming up, we thought about giving him a good b-day celebration. roni suggested that we celebrate by going someplace nice. Do u have any you could think of? - nessa & roni"

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