2- Continued

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I would have laughed with everyone else but I was too busy being shocked.

"What...Who...heh?" I gave up on words. What looked like a wolf was sprawled out on the metal floor. Morning sunlight rays shone on a canine tail and legs, covered in black fur matted with blood. I don't want know what's or whose. But then there was the human head, covered in thick, short brown curls. The eyes were closed on a face that looked almost childish. The bare male human arms and chest were covered in mud.

"Um...ok. How does this explain why it talks?" Piper inquired, never taking her vibrant eyes off whatever was on the metal, soiled floor. Mere, who was standing in the corner burning a sketch into the wall with her fingers, perked up to answer:

"Well, it didn't have anything human when it was chasing us, but now it's unconscious and DOES so..."

The thing on the floor shifted. Everyone froze and stared while it attempted to sit up. It stretched its arms, which lead to numerous cracking noises followed by a yawn. Before putting its arms back, propping itself up, it opened its eyes sleepily. It looked at us through brown eyes with intricate patterns imprinted on the irises, ignoring the fact he had wolf feet.

"You guys can sure run like hell," it said lazily.

Piper looked back at us, her expression giddy but still dazed. She was still in the spot where she had gotten pushed, leaving her the closest to the thing. She whisper-shouted to me, who was still outside:

"It's kind of cute when it awake!"

I snickered in response, although Oak was seizing the opportunity to interrogate the waking thing.

"Why did you chase us?" she demanded, slitted eyes trying to intimidate the answers out of it.

It looked around, taking in the rows of paint-splattered equipment which rested on wooden shelves. It glanced over us, trying to get a glimpse of what was outside the container. All he could probably see was the speedball course, littered with metal barrel stacks, and a pink morning sky framed by dying trees. Then it scanned each of us quickly, Mere, Cross, me, Piper- it looked a little longer at her then the rest of us- and Oak.

"What's with her eyes?" it-he (I'm quite sure) directed the question to everyone but Oak, though he pointed at her when he said it. "Besides, why so serious? I'm just doing what I was ordered."

"Pfft. No reason to be serious. LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY GOD DAMN LEGS!" I shouted, lifting my legs up, out of the leafs.

"Eeee...yikes," he said, scrunching away. "Yeah, sorry about that. Duty calls. What's with your teeth?"

"What's with your legs?" I snapped back with a look of disgust.

"Oh, these beauties?" he looked at his canine legs, laughing to himself. "Mutation. Your turn, explain please."

Oak piped back up, if anyone was going to be asking questions, she probably wanted it to be herself. (First impressions are important you know.) "No. You explain what happened. Otherwise we're not letting you go."

"Oh come on. Like you can hold me back. Are you forgetting who chased you here?"

"We're mutts too idiot. My eyes, she's indestructible, her teeth, she could burn you to death," she ranted, gesturing to each of us. "And she could hypnotize you. Speaking of which, Piper, if you will."

Piper stepped forward a little too willingly. She kneeled down and was about to open her mouth when 'idiot' spoke again.

"Go ahead. It won't work. Government's done alot of work on my mutation. It comes with a bonus: resistance to anything that tries to get in my head. Now, if you would excuse me..." He started to stand, which did not compute in my brain. How does a half-boy stand on wolf legs?

He padded forward, and I realized he was almost as short as Piper standing on his mutant feet. Before he could make much progress, Cross punched him right in the face. Everyone winced from the impact as wolf-boy fell back to the ground, cursing away. He put his hand to his nose, which was dripping blood. We all burst out laughing. He glared up at Cross, who was now doubled over laughing.

"Asshole..." he muttered, pinching his nose.

Oak tried to look serious as she ordered him to start talking, but could barely get the words out. I heard crunching behind me, and stopped laughing. Holding my breath, I turned my head, trying not to move anything below my waist. Men, soldiers more like it, surrounded the container. All of them wore sleek black uniforms. I looked back to wolf-boy, hoping this wasn't some kind of reinforcement for him. Unfortunately, I saw him smirking and pinching his nose.

"Ladies," he started. The rest of them stopped laughing, Piper stood up and they all looked at him. Seeing his expression they turned around, and saw our new situation, which lead to the words 'uh-oh' written all over their faces. "I believe you'll be the ones talking."

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