4- The time hairdressers were lethal

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The last thing I saw was all my friends and enemies bouncing in a dark truck.


First, my hearing comes back. Sounds make their way through a dark cloud of silence that has hung around my head for who knows how long. Muffled voices, one familiar and angry, another alien and defensive, reach my ears when I start to stir.

"She's gone?! What do you mean she's gone? We made that truck like four layers thick! Go find her!"

The other voice mutters something back frantically, and I open my eyes to complete darkness at first. Little by little I make out another soldier in black, this time with no helmet, against a black wall. Wherever I am, I can't recognized anything since everything seems to blend together in the shadows. For once I wish I had Oak's mutation, though being any level of jealous of Oak makes me cringe.

I get a burning feeling in my chest. My head seems to close out everything, and I focus on one thing. He is standing right in front of me. Jason, that jerk of a guy is completely ignoring the fact that I am slumped against a wall across from him. I have to resist the urge to laugh, could I really get to hurt him?

The hatred runs through me and it fills my head when I push myself up. I have to slide my back against the wall, terrified my legs will give out any second now. Strangely my calves don't hurt. I noticed they are wrapped in white. Bandages?

I push my questions away, and grin. This is too good to be true. I have my doubts that this will work since i can't even knock Piper or Oak off-balance even though I taller than them. Still, I launch myself off wall, straight at Jason, wanting nothing more than to knock him down. I take two or three determined steps before I smack face-first into something. I see my target jump and turn, then I see the roof, then WHAM. I hit the ground hard on my back. I cough, damn that hurt. It feels like I got heart pulled out through my throat, and then was hit in the head with a hammer. That I wouldn't mind doing to someone else, but the first person experience wasn't fun.

Pushing myself up onto my elbows, I see Jason and his colleague laughing. He walks over to what I believe is glass. There is a metal insert in the glass, it resembles a speaker. I should have paid more attention to when I thought it was a floating object. Jason speaks through it, a look in his blue eyes one would usually use on a kindergartener.

"Now, Sweetheart we don't want you injured for the show! I suggest you try and keep yourself and pretty as your document picture."

"You've got to be kidding me! What show?" I shriek, slamming myself against the glass yet again to keep him from walking away. He turns back to me, smirking.

"You'll find out soon enough."

He stalks off, down a dark hallway I can only see by twisting my head at a weird angle. The hall ends in a 'T', though there are other small cells identical to mine, lining the walls. They have glass in the front with dark metal as floors and walls. There is no detail, except small lights in between the glass of the five containment units against the wall opposite me; along with clear file holders under the lights.

I see only one cell is occupied. There is another girl within it, with long dark brown wavy hair reaching almost all the way down her back. She is sitting on the ground, drawing in a fogged patched on the glass. Her dark, tanned skin is littered with bruises and I wonder how long she has been in her cell, which is one to the left of mine.

Desperate for for answers, I start banging my fists on the glass. She jumps and squints in my direction. I wave frantically at her, and hope to hell the speaker in the glass works both ways. Standing now, trying to keep her attention with eye contact, I call to her through the speaker:

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