Shinobi Christmas pt. 1

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Alright I'll get the last group of girls later, but for now I hope you enjoy this Christmas Special! This will also be the first two parter so I hope all of you are excited for this!
Snow blankets Japan as the holiday season begins to approach; in a small shack at a Shinobi school one Tenma Watanabe can be found. Tenma along with the help of his girlfriends Yomi and Yozakura were baking a large batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies. "Thanks for the help girls! I wouldn't have been able to get these finished without you!" Tenma thanked his girlfriends as they each gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Your welcome sweetie! Although why did you have us make so many? This a lot even for our entire group!" Yomi said as she gave her boyfriend a curious look.
Tenma got nervous at Yomi's question as he tried to hastily come up with an answer for his girlfriends. "Oh you know I just like having extras just in case!" Tenma said with a nervous chuckle as he walked his two girlfriends to the door. "Anyway thanks again for the help girls! I'll see you two later!" Tenma said as he gave each of them a quick peck on the cheek before closing the door. "That was close!" Tenma said to himself as he walked back to the kitchen and began to pack up the cookies. Just as Tenma put the last few cookies in the sixth container, Shikawa burst through the front door.
"Tenma I got the stuff! Are you ready to start wrapping the presents?" Shikawa asked as Haru, Kaito, and Itsuki walked in with toys in they're arms. "Alright let's get the rest of these out of the back of the truck and then we can get to work!" Haru said as he put the pile of toys down before heading out the door to retrieve more. After unloading the almost literal mountain of toys the five boys set to work wrapping them. Although about a half hour in the group heard a knock at the door, which caused Tenma to get up to answer it. Tenma made sure to exit the shack and close the door real quick before anyone could see what they doing.
Tenma was surprised to find his girlfriends Miyabi, Yumi, Homura, and Asuka standing there wearing matching winter coats. "Hey Tenma Yomi and Yozakura mentioned you were acting strange, is everything alright?" Yumi asked with concern evident in her voice. "Oh really? Well everything's fine! Nothing strange or wrong going on around here!" Tenma said nervously as he scratched the back of his head. The four team leaders grew frowns on they're faces as they started to believe they're boyfriend was hiding something. "Babe are you sure you're alright? Your acting strange." Homura said as she tried to get into the shack.
"I'm telling you everything is completely fine!" Tenma said as he entered his shack and slammed the door before locking it. The team leaders were left dumbfounded as they walked back to their respective dorms. Tenma sighed before sitting down and continuing to wrap the presents with his friends. "What was that all about?" Haru asked his best friend as he watched him sit back down. "The girls are starting to get suspicious of what I've been up to!" Tenma said in frustration as he continued to wrap presents. "Well if it makes you feel better the Hakuoh girls have been nosing around in my business lately!" Haru said as he looked up from what he was doing.
"When I was trying to pack up the supplies for you know what they started questioning why I had so many Christmas movies!" Haru said as he recalled the close call he had with the Hakuoh girls. "Leo and the rest of the Zodiac girls have been trying to figure out why I've been packing up so many lights!" Kaito said with a lite chuckle as he continued to wrap the presents. The five boys continued they're work in silence as they tried to get the job done. "The Tengu girls almost caught me with the trains and tracks! I swear I nearly had a heart attack!" Itsuki chimed in as he put a bow on top of a present.
                      After another half hour the boys almost had all the presents wrapped and ready to go! "If you think that's bad you should have seen what I had to go through to get the New Wave girls off my back!" Shikawa said as he finished another of the hundreds of presents they had been wrapping. "Hey does anyone know if Ishibura is ready on his end?" Tenma asked as he set yet another completed present to the side. "Yeah he's ready although apparently the music Shinobi teams have been on his case recently as well!" Shikawa answered as he put another bow on a wrapped present.
            Miyabi was starting to really question what the hell has been going on with Tenma, as the Christmas got closer he got even more secretive around them. Although he wasn't the only one, apparently Haru, Kaito, Itsuki, Shikawa, and Ishibura have been acting the same way towards the other teams. "What could Tenma possibly be hiding from us? He's been secretive all week!" Asuka said with annoyance prevalent in her voice as she puffed out her cheeks angrily. "Well whatever it is Haru is also involved as well!" Kochou chimed in as she also was annoyed at the situation.
"Kaito has also been quite secretive around us as well, although we did catch him with a bunch of Christmas lights." Leo said as she continued to try an piece together what's been going on. "Itsuki was incredibly jumpy when we caught him with a bunch of boxes a day or two ago." Misato said as she pet her raccoon with a look of deep thought on her face. "Yeah Shikawa has also been a lot more jumpy then usual! Earlier today he nearly had a heart attack when we asked him what he was doing!" Souji said as her and the rest of the New Wave girls thought about it as well.
"Ishibura has also been quite unresponsive whenever we ask him what he's up to." Tsubaki said as the other music based teams nodded their heads in agreement before returning to the conversation, although they spotted Tenma getting into a truck with the others. "Now where the hell is he going?!!" Homura said in shock and annoyance as she glared at the retreating truck. Miyabi decided that she has had enough of this and did the only thing that made sense to her. Miyabi and the other team leaders made their way to Kirya sensei's office in order to find out what's going on.
             "Kirya why has Tenma been so secretive around us lately?!" Asuka asked as they burst through the door to Kirya's office. "Well Merry Christmas to you as well girls!" Kirya said with sarcasm in his voice. "Sorry sensei! It's just we're worried about him!" Yumi said in an apologetic tone as she looked at Kirya with a sad face. Kirya smiled at his son's girlfriends being so worried about him, so he would give them a hint to his son's big secret. "If you girls truly want to know, them go to this address later tonight, I'm certain you'll get the answers you want!" Kirya said as he handed the girls the piece of paper. The team leaders looked at each other before they left to go find the address.

Alright part one is finished! What could Tenma and the other guys be hiding from the Shinobi girls? Find out in part two! Now I just want to say merry Christmas to all of you and I might get the second chapter out later today or it'll be tomorrow, maybe later I don't know! Any way I hope you enjoyed!

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