Day 9

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I wonder if he is doing better than I am, or are we both failing miserably. I try not to think about him but, he always manages to slip back in before I realize it... I am worried that he's better off without me... I am a wreck at this but I guess in due time we both will be nothing but a distant memory to each other. That moment in time I personally do not look forward to. I would have never have known that I would fall so hard for someone that I cannot get back up I never knew it was possible for me. I found it as a cowardice act to do such things, now I realize that it isn't as easy as it seems to be. I only wonder of a few things and I only think of one, If he his really just better off with someone else who can provide him with something I couldn't. His response would most likely be no one else can make him feel the way I made him feel. I still know him and I don't think I will forget him either

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