Day 34

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 Mixed Emotions are complicated feelings. One day you're feeling like you actually have a chance of being happy again, other days you feel like driving a knife down someone's back. Other days you feel like a mess, crying and screaming internally, while smiling. And you do the same foolishness over and over. You have had oppurtunities to drop it all, and you don't. You made one decision that changed your entire life. Things aren't the way they were. I am not the way i was, I have changed, to a person barely holding on to the little of love that remains behind. I have changed into a person, I feared to be... I have changed into a person I was. I hated this part of me, I avoided this, and instead I ran into it. I have changed for the worse, I have changed into an unwanted person, I have changed, so what does that make me?

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