Interviewing Wolf O'Donnell

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Angel: Hello Everyone! Welcome back to the show! Today we have Brawl Guest which is...Wolf! *claps*

The Crowd: *Cheers and claps*

Fox: *gasp*

Samus+Ness: *claps*

Wolf: *walks in to the stage*

Angel: Hello wolf! its nice to have you hear today! please have a seat next to samus *smiles*

Wolf: Hello Sunshine, Happy Birthday *Hugs Angel* That is my gift to you

Fox: D:< ...AHEM! im right here?!

Wolf: *looks at fox* Oh....well if it isn't my Special rival....Fox McCloud? *smirks*

Fox: *face palms* Just sit down wolf!

Samus: e_e

Ness: -_-

Angel: Thank you *clears throat* Wolf?......please sit down

Wolf: *Sits down*

Angel: So uh......Wolf?

Wolf: Yes?

Angel: Can i ask you a few questions?

Wolf: You may princess

Samus: *Loads her Gun*

Angel: Ok! 1st is life in brawl?

Wolf: I would say pretty boring when it comes to fighting against the starfox team....especially Falco Lombardi, the Parrot

Falco: *Burst into the stage* WHAT DID YOU CALL ME FUZZ BALL?!

The Crowd: *Gasp*...........FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Wolf: *laughs* It looks like you forgot to clean your ears today falco....don't you think?

Fox: Hey! Don't be talking to my Friend like that!

Falco: Thanks for your help fox but i can deal him myself! *walks towards wolf as he pops his knuckles*

Wolf: *stands up*

Angel: Hey! hey! you 2 are not fighting on my stage!

Falco: Relax Angel, it won't take long when i beat the living out him!

Wolf: Curse you turkey!

Falco: TURKEY? You son of-



Angel: *clears throat* Falco i want you to go back where you came from *looks at wolf* and you! sit back down NNOOOWWW!!!

Falco: I'm not through with you yet wolf! *leaves*

Wolf: *curses under his breath and sits back down*

Angel: *huffs*......i shouldn't have said that question *face palms*...

Samus: It's alright dear, it's your job to interview brawlers and new comers

Fox: Your mother is right Angel, it's not your fault

Angel: I think it is...

Ness: Well it's not

Angel: Thank guys....ok 2nd question.....What is your favorite color?

Wolf: Blue and Red

Angel: 3rd question, are you seeing someone these days?

Wolf: No

Fox: *tries not to laugh*

Angel: Ok, 4th question......Is it true that me? *reading the flash cards*


Fox: *growls* Hey! Just to let you know wolf, Angel is taken by me! so stay away from her! *glares at wolf*

Angel: Fox......there is a confession i need to tell you, and i want you to know.....

Fox: *stops glaring and looks at angel*.....What is that you need to confess to me Angel?

Angel: *Whispers in Fox's Ear*....

Fox: *eyes widen*......WHAT.......*looks back at wolf*..*growls* You son of a- *Tackles Wolf*

Angel: Dang it! i should have kept it to myself......but either way he was gonna know one day...Anyways! Thank you all for coming! Join us again next time! *tries to separates fox and wolf*

Samus+Ness: *trying to separate fox and wolf to*

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