Intervewing Razul & Helena (Gladius Parents)

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Angel: *brings both of them back to life*

Razul+Helena: Where are we?

Razul: (to angel) Who are you?

Angel: I'm Queen Angel McCloud, your here to be interviewed *smiles*

Helena: By who?

Angel: Me. Please, come with me *goes back to the stage*

Razul+Helena: *look at each and follow angel*

Angel: Hello Everyone! welcome back to the show! today we have 2 new guest which is.....Razul & Helena *claps as she sits down*

The Crowd+The people who are in the stage: *cheers and claps*

Razul+Helena: *sits down*

Fox: Excuse me?...Are you Gladius's parents?

Helena: Yes, we are

Tiger: How are you both alive?

Angel: I brought them back to life with my father's permission

Tiger: Well, that explains

Angel: (to razul) Are you ready?

Razul: Sure miss Angel

Angel: Alright! 1st question, How old are you?

Razul: 41

Angel: Ok, 2nd question....Who is your crush?

Razul: Helena, my wife *puts his arm around helena*

Angel: Aww, that's so cute. Next question....Do you have any weapons or powers?

Razul: Just guns

Tiger: *heads towards the bathroom*

Angel: Ok, last question....ho is your best friend?

Razul:Wolf O'Donnel

Fox: *shocked* ???

Angel: Excuse me?......Wolf? *reads razuls soul*....Y-your a-

Razul: I know i know!'s my thing....its.....what i do....

Angel: But you broke your daughters promise. You shouldn't be-

Helena: A what? *looks at razul and back to angel*

Angel: Ask your husband after the show miss Helena

Helena: *squints her eyes at razul*

Angel: Alright, now for Helena. May i ask you a few questions?

Helena: Of course

Angel: Ok! 1st question.....How old are you?

Helena: 40

Angel: Ok, 2nd question *reads it* Who is your crush?'s kinda obvious who it is now

Helena: *giggles* Yeah, it's my husband Razul

Angel: Ok, 3rd question.....What powers or weapons do you have?

Helena: I carry a sword and have the power of telekinesis

Angel: Neat, so do i.

Helena: (to razul) Now may i ask what are you hiding from me razul?

Razul: *starts to sweat* N-nothing dear....*gets up* Well! it was nice and all that stuff, thanks for brining for me and my wife back to life *takes helena by the hand and both rush to the exit*

Angel: Oh alright?....goodbye you to *waves*

Tiger: *comes back* They left?

Fox: *nods*

Tiger: I didn't get to ask him if he let me marry her daughter, Gladius

Angel: I have a bad feeling about that me.....Well! thank you all for coming! please join us again, next time! *waves*

Everyone: *waves*

Angel: *about to get up*

Faith: What's this i hear? *comes in the stage with different clothes on* *wearing a old fashion corset armor color gold, as on top of it she wears a long black sleeve leather jacket* *wearing black combat boots and her hair down all curly and wavy long*

Fox: Faith???

Toon Link: *grabs faiths attention* (She looks hot!)

Angel: Faith?....were where you?....why are you dressed like that?

Faith: I went shopping with some friends. I came by to also give you this *hands angel a mail card*

Angel: *gently takes it and sees it* Thank you sweetheart

Fox: *looks to see what angel is reading*

Tiger: Hi, Faith

Faith: (to tiger) Hi Tiger. I hear your getting married *smiles kindly*

Tiger: Yes, i am

Faith: Congrats Tiger (to angel and fox) Be back in a while mom and dad *leaves*

Fox: (to faith) Wait? sweetheart where are you going?

Faith: *already left*

Fox: (to angel) Where is she going honey?

Angel: (to fox)....*smiles* somewhere special

Fox: *smiles back and kisses angel*

Kayla+Cody+Jocelyn+Alissa+Samus+Aracel+Tiger: *start to talk to each other*

Thank you all for reading! up next is the requested dare by my good friend @xXDark_KaylaxX (i think thats it spelled) :D

and like always,





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