Chapter 20

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                Corbyn Besson
I open the door and there is an angry Jonah, I would have been scared but I figured he wasn't mad at me until he came in and pushed me.
M: what the hell jonah
Jo: you are a fucking whore
M: what did I do? What are you talking about?
Jo: why the hell did you cheat on me?
M: I didn't, I don't even know what your talking about
Jo: Trevor told me that he saw you and Daniel kissing today at school
M: I would never do that to you, Haley, or Daniel and are you really gonna believe what Trevor says over me, he probably doesn't even have evidence
Trevor walks in with his phone, Jonah takes it and shows me a picture of me and Dani kissing, which I've never done before.
Jo: then what the hell is this
M: it's fake Jonah, it's photoshopped
Tr: she's lying, why would I want to brake up your happy relationship
Jo: be honest maya did you cheat on me
M: no
M: I am
Jo: you don't sound like it
M: why don't you believe me
I was starting to cry
Jo: because you are a fucking liar and liars get punishments
He. Pulled me up the stairs as I was screaming for him to let me go. Trevor followed us and he took me to my bed room where he started to punch me, then Trevor joining in. All of A sudden Trevor gets pushed to the ground and Jonah stops punching me. I  look to see who tackled Trevor and it was corbyn,  jonah was now pulling Corbyn off of Trevor.
Jo: what the hell man
Co: sorry I was trying to tackle maya
Tr: well you have a bad aim
Corbyn and Trevor got up
Co: y'all are dumb-assess of course I meant to tackle Trevor
As he said that he punched Trevor in the face and Trevor fell to the ground. Jonah and corbyn were fighting and Jonah was winning, he had corbyn on the ground beating the living shit out of him. I was too weak to do anything I tried to get up but couldn't, corbyn looked at me and then looked at Jonah. As Jonah went for another punch corbyn stopped him, with his other hand Jonah tried to punch corbyn but he was stopped again. Corbyn pulled his knee up to Jonah and kicked jonah off of him. He stood up and so did Jonah he gave Jonah one good punch and ran to me,
C: you have to go ok
M: no I'm not leaving you and even if I would I can't
All of a sudden corbyn falls on me, or more like was pushed into me, I look to see Jonah behind corbyn. Corbyn rolled over and got back up, he looked broken, at that point I was so angry at jonah, he broke my heart multiple times and broke me physically, he never loved me he just wanted to watch me suffer, I was like his little puppet, and  right now I was done with his games. I find the strength to get up and with every thing I had I kicked Jonah right between his legs.
As I did I said
He dropped to the ground and was out.
Corbyn looked at me surprised and then pushed me.
Co: look out
It was Trevor corbyn gave him a punch
C: hey maya can you do that thing to Trevor like you did to Jonah
TREVOR. Is curse word to me I wasn't just gonna kick him in the balls I was gonna do something else. I grabbed a glass vase and hit it on Trevor's head. The vase shatters and he falls to the ground as well, I begin to fell the pain and I fall to the floor. Next thing I know I'm out, pitch black.
~ Corbyn's POV~
As I was on the floor getting the shit beat out of me I heard maya move, I looked at her struggling, what if Jonah hurts her after me, that's it Im not gonna let him do anything to her. I look up at Jonah and knee him in the back hard enough for him to roll off me.
I got up and ran to her, she needs to get out of here
C: you have to go ok
I told her
~ Maya's POV~
Then boom there it was I was in some kind of room like a bed room. It was nice, it had space things in there and a bunch of shoes. I feel a wet rag being rubbed against my stomach. I blink a few times and see corbyn.
C: this is all a dream your name is Dora and your a space traveler
M: what?
I say with little laughter
Co: ok your good
M: why are you wetting my shirt, you know you can pull it up instead of letting the water soak through.
C:  I know but I don't want to invade your lady space.
I laugh and it hurts a little
M: ok well you have permission to invade my lady space
C: that sounded wrong
M: I mean you can pull my shirt up, just a warning It isn't pretty
He pulls my shirt up and gently dabs the rag on me.  He puts medicine on the bad spots and pulls my shirt back down. And the cold wetness of it make me shiver.
C: oh sorry let me get u a new shirt he gets one and throws it on me.
I try to get up to change but I can't
C: do you need help.
M: yeah
He helps me sit up
C: do you want me to look away or ....
M: can you help me
C: umm maya is it weird for me to see you —shirtless
M: I'm wearing a bra
C: yeah but
M: Oh my god just let me do it
I take my shirt off kinda struggling and corbyn closes his eyes
M: wow corbyn, I can tell your a virgin
C: No I'm not but I don't want to look at u
M: ouch
I say sarcastically
C: I mean it's disrespect and you taught me that I'm actually a good person.
I try to put his shirt on but hiss in pain
M: can you help me
C: ok
He keeps his eyes close and reaches out for the shirt. But ends up touching my shoulder
C: what is that?
He says as he pulls his hand away
M: my shoulder
C: oh
M: I'll do it
I try to put the shirt on again, still ouch!
Corbyn finally opens his eyes
C: let me help you
He pulls the shirt on me
M: wow are you sexually attracted to me now
I say sarcastically
C: yes—I am
M: ewww
C: I was kidding
M: well....
C: well what
M: what are we gonna do
C: idk
There was a long silence before I broke it
M: I'm sorry
C: about what
M: getting you into all of this
C: no, you didn't I got myself into this
As he was talking his lip started bleeding
M: corbyn are you ok
He puts his hand on his mouth
C: I'm fine
M: let me help you
I try to get up but can't
C: it's ok I got it
He goes in his bathroom
I think about what happened at my house, wow Corbyn did something Jonah would never dream about doing. I kept thinking about the way corbyn looked at me, Damn. His eyes are beautiful, wait what the hell am I doing, it's CORBYN my friend, my friend that just saved my ass from my supposing boyfriend.
C: hey
I jumped a little
C:are you ok
M: yeah I'm fine
I say nervously
C: you sure
I nod my head
Like I nodded really fast for longer than normal
C: does my lip look ok
His lips look... kissable
M: they, I mean like better than fine like normal fine, or like it made your lips look even better than before- fine
C: maya are you sure your ok, did Jonah hit your head or something
M: I'm good
C: ok well I guess you should get some rest
M: yeah, I think I need some
C: you can sleep in here
M: oh thanks
C: no problem
He walks out of the door and turns the lights off I could see a little bit because the lamp was still on but I slowly and painfully made my way to the middle of his bed and laid down. All I could think about was corbyn. Why did he have to save me, am I hoe for already falling for another guy, or did I always like corbyn and didn't know it, As I thought that I felt myself drift off to sleep.
~Jonah's POV~
She likes corbyn holy moly

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