Part 5

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~ the next week I had moved into my aunts house. I was sat at the lunch table eating with Anna. Jake came up to me. I looked at him. He sat down next to me. ~
B: are you here to harass me again?
Ja: I'm here to apologize,
B: did the principal make you do this?
Ja: no, I'm apologizing on my own. I'm sorry, no girl should ever be treated like that.
B: it's fine, I've learned not to get caught up on anything someone says.
~ I glared at him. He stood up. ~
Ja: and just so you know, just because your getting rides from Logan everyday doesn't mean people are going to like you.
~ I stood up. I started yelling. Everyone circled around us. ~
B: and just because your Jessica's gay minion doesn't mean everyone likes you, I'm pretty sure half the people in this room think your a dick!
~ Jessica came in. ~
J: shut it you little-
B: rat, ya cause that's totally going to make me shut up Jessica. Does it make you feel better to hurt people?
~ she just stood there. ~
B: none of these people here like you, they only pretend to be your friend because their afraid of you. Their afraid of what's going to happen to them. That's the reason why you bully me, cause I'm not afraid of you!
J: trust me your afraid of me.
B: no, I'm not. But I think your afraid of what might happen when everyone shows their true colors. So you bully and you hate so everything goes your way!
J: I have people that love me in my life, like Jake and Logan.
~ I laughed. ~
B: Jake doesn't love you, he only hangs around you cause he has no other friends. And Logan, don't get me started on him.
J: me and Logan love each other.
B: how long have you guys been dating for?
J: three years.
~ I grabbed my bag and walked up to her face. ~
B: so explain to everyone why your still a virgin.
~ everyone looked at her. I walked out of the cafeteria. Anna followed out. ~
A: where did you hear that from?
B: Logan,
A: you guys have been hanging out?
B: he gives me rides home so I don't have to get picked up by my dad.
A: hey, stop walking.
~ I stopped and looked at her. ~
A: you just made a bigger problem Brooklyn.
B: so what.
A: so now you need to fix it before Jessica ruins your life. She has dirt on you that nobody else has.
B: we were best friends in middle school what type of dirt could she have on me?
A: I don't know but you need to fix it.
B: fine,
~ she walked away. I was stood outside on my phone. ~
J: hey loser,
~ I looked over, Jessica was stood in front of me. ~
J: you know you just ruined my life right?
B: ya, and you ruined mine so now we're even.
J: where did you hear that from anyway.
B: it doesn't matter,
J: whatever I don't need you,
B: Jessica what happened to us, I mean you get friends and you get popular and leave your closest people in the dust.
J: I can't be seen hanging out with people like you.
~ I looked at her, ~
B: if you really wanna know where I heard it from you can ask your boyfriend.
J: what?
B: your boyfriends been giving me rides home so we've had a lot of time to talk!
~ I walked pass her. I walked into the school and down into the library. ~

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