the ch before this os just the intro

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a.n. i do not own kuroko no yea...credits go to the author of knb. also read or watch knb before reading.....characters do not belong to me except for some i did make up \^o^/ enjoyyyy

ch 1  | challenge accepted

      Is she a monster?! riko though with her mouth open. Everyone stared at her as kuroko sighed a bit when hearing


Kise ran into the gym straight to kuroko. Kise hugged kuroko tight, just then he caught a small glimpse of chitose

"aizawacchii?"  the blonde's eyes widden as his arms fell off the bluenette's body. Chitose sighed a bit as the blonde suddenly hugged her tight and glomped onto her

"i missed you aicchiiiii" kise said while crying a bit

chitose sighed louder "yea let go of me" she said trying to push him off. She rolled her eyes knowing that kise was acting. She looked aroind for help when the blonde wasn't letting go...and saw that everyone including riko was staring at her with their mouth open. She frowned at the helpless bunch of shocked, frozen boys, as kise let go of her disappointed. Kise started to pout a bit and turned his head away from her

"this is not my aizawa this is not her ...nope you are not. No no no no no!"

the blonde shook his head back and forth really fast

Seirin, behind the whole scene began to sweat drop. need help they all thought as kise shook his head and whined like a small 5 years old wanting a toy from the toy store.

Just when kise said 'my aizawa ' chitose's vein popped as she kicked kise on the back

"whose's yours?! huh?! I do not remember being yours!"

Kise cried while hugging his knees "wahhhh aizawaccchhhii i being meaaaannnn" again like a child lossing his toy, he cried loudly

While pouting and sniffling kise looked up at chitose

"ai have changed"

Chiose rolles her eyes a bit

"everyone changes kise kun"

Kise pout turned into a smile....a confident smile

"if you had changed ....then i....CHALLENGE YOU TO A GAME!" kise yelled while pointing at chitose

"kise, pointing is realky rude" kuroko said out of no where

"wah?! kuroko cchii you too?"

the blonde grinned a bit

"so ai cchii will you accept or are you a coward to do so?"

Chitose grinned a bit

"challenge accepted"

Riko stared helplessly at them ..

.not to be mean but she is going to

be crushed ....she glanced at kuroko a bit and saw that he wasn't worried at all ....wait why isn't kuroko worried....just.....what is she.....this new transfer student.....does she have some kind of relationship with the generation of miracles?!

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