Chapter 2

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     The light that had knocked Trish unconscious welcomed her back into reality as well. She hadn't even opened her eyes and so many things were different. She felt different.

     First off, she was lying face down on what- well it felt like dirt. Just hard dirt. Smelled like it too. Everything was abnormally quiet as well and the heat! Why was it so hot?! She adjusted, her body shifting to accommodate for whatever had happened.

     Trish let out a light groan and sat up, pushing herself off the ground and fluttered her light blue eyes open. The light that she was blinded by? Well that was the sun. The very hot and very blinding sun. Wasn't she just inside? It looked like she was in the desert, it all was extremely abnormal and crazy, but Trish could've sworn she knew this place.

     On top of this extremely new change of scenery it didn't help that Trish could feel a weight on her back. She was almost afraid to look, fearing something may be on top of her. She turned around and nearly screamed at what she saw.

      Wings. Feathery, white, large wings. Splayed out and sloppy for all to see. They looked like that of a barn owl, adorning dark spots and splotches of brown. Startled, Trish threw herself from her position and spun around, trying to get a better glance at them. Her shoulders shook with panic, 'What happened? Everything was fine moments ago!' She thought.

      There, in the distance through the sun Trish noticed the familiar buildings of a town. The same, desolate, ghost of a town she had known for most of her life. She was in the hot desert state of Nevada and there in front of her, was Jasper.


     Funnily enough, the town was just as blank as normal when it came to Jasper. There weren't any people around just having a stroll who could see the new face of Trish with her wings in all its glory. Regardless, all she could think of was to head to an area she knew something would have to happen. The ditch was probably the best area to look, that would be where the autobots first meet Jack and Raphael.

     The violent roar of engines overtook Trish's thoughts as two large identical cars jumped a wall into the street, hauling after a motorcycle with a panicked looking Jack on top of it. She was apparently right on schedule. Jack noticed the girl for maybe a split second before Arcee swerved around a corner with a ear piercing shriek of the back tire.

     The decepticons however didn't pay any attention at all, their sights were set on the autobot alone, allowing Trish to run after them as fast as she could. She had to get there on time or she would miss her chance to meet her childhood characters! That sentence itself was odd. Perhaps they knew what exactly had happened to her, why she was here. Trish had so many questions.

     They entered a busy highway so, instead of running on pure road, Trish turned and sprinted to the outside of the road they were speeding across. The tall walls of the highway provided her extra cover from any onlookers. As she ran, she felt her wings start instinctively flapping to keep pace with her. The girl huffed and grunted with effort until finally, she actually started floating from the ground. The wings provided extra speed and she started gaining just beside the group. Trish lifted up slightly to look over the wall, she spotted Bumblebee appear and start blocking the cons from Arcee.

     "WHO IS SHE?" Trish caught Jacks panicked voice who had spotted her looking, but it seemed Arcee either didn't or couldn't notice the supposed winged girl in pursuit. Suddenly, the motorcycle took yet another sharp turn and leapt from the bridge they had driven onto, ignoring the construction signs and landing heavily on the payment below. They had arrived at the first key location, the ditch.

As Jack got off, Raphael immediately ran up to him, "Whoa!" He shouted with a huge grin of awe on his face. Jack rubbed the back of his neck, "You have no idea." He chuckled nervously. As their exchange went through Trish skidded down the hill and tumbled to the ground. "Owwww..." she groaned, "rough landing."

Raf jumped and went wide eyed at the sight of her, "What the-" he was cut off when the two cons suddenly came barreling down the hill, transforming in mid-air and landing with a thud. Trish gritted her teeth and stood up, backing towards the wall, "Get back!" She shouted at the two. The timeline played out as it was, Arcee transformed next and got into a fighting position, "This ends here 'cons'!" She spat at them.

Jack didn't know what to think, first transforming robots, next a girl with wings. Raf was in pure amazement and started asking Trish questions in which she hurriedly explained she couldn't answer anything at the time. "Hi Jack, Raphael it's great to meet you, we gotta get in that pipe!" She said hurriedly.

     Raf held up a hand in confusion, "Wait- how do you?-"

     "No time to explain-" She said quickly. Arcee landed a solid kick to one of the troopers, getting shot in the process and Bumblebee made his second appearance. The autobot delivered a swift punch and stepped back, crushing Raphael's car in the process. He beeped an apology and Raf shook his head, "It's no problem. Really!" He smiled. Unfortunately, the two decepticons had recovered and shot Bumblebee, pinning him down. This seemed to anger Raf, Trish tried to stop him but he shouted anyways, "Leave him alone!"

      "Crap!" Trish hissed out. One of the troops made their way towards the three and Trish pointed to the pipe, "Come on!" She motioned to them, dragging Raf with her who seemed to be reluctant.

     They backed up as far as they could into the pipe, Trish's wings hurt painfully from being cramped in. At least she knew now that they were real flesh and bone and therefore a real thing now. Thankfully, Bumblebee grabbed the decepticon before he could reach far enough into the pipe and drug the con away. Raf thanked the autobot and they watched on through their hiding place the continuation of the fight.

     Trish smiled, she knew every part of this, it made her feel kinda proud. She knew Bulkhead would come in any second and then everything would be fine. As if on cue, the wrecker landed with a thud, "Who's ready to rumble?!" He shouted with pissed expression.

     Jack had enough, he turned around and started egging Raf away from the scene, deeper into the pipe. Trish watched only a moment longer before following suit, "Wait! I'm coming with!" She told them before they disappeared from the battle.


     The hum was the first thing she noticed. The steady thuds of footsteps the next. Then her sense of touched seemed to slowly return and she could feel the cold metal underneath her hands and face. Her eyes cracked open for a moment, she felt like she had been sleeping for weeks and still didn't get enough. Did she have a nightmare?

     Rina steadied herself and sat up on her hands and knees, regaining her strength and observing her surroundings. What she saw shocked her. Everything was huge, and strange and most of all, familiar.

     "Oh my god..." she murmured to herself. Rina had found herself on the decepticon warship. The Nemesis.

Roleshift: Book 1, TFPWhere stories live. Discover now