leaving for tour

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today was the day that your best friends of 3 years and boyfriend of 2 were coming home for a couple days before they continued there world tour Sounds Live Feels Live you'd never been so excited to see these four dorks ever. you were especially excited to see calum. you guys had started dating after he confessed his love for his best friend, sure cliché right.
calpal:: plane just landed be home soon :)
breadstick:: can't wait to see you nuggs
y/n:: can't wait to see you guys !! i made cookies

nuggs was the guys nickname for you because all you ever did was eat chicken nuggets. a few minutes went by when you hear your front door swing open "WERE HOMEE" you heard Michael scream through the whole house. "coming" you ran out of your bedroom door and you were met with two big brown eyes looking at you with so much love and passion. Calum engulfed you in the tightest hug possible, when he finally loosened his grip you went on your tippy toes and touched your lips to his. damn you missed his lips. you felt a tear hit your cheek, but it wasn't yours it was from calum. "what's wrong baby" "nothing, i just missed you so much". the rest of the weekend went by pretty quick the boys played two shows in your state and you went to both. they had Monday off so you spent it laying in bed cuddling and watching movies with cal.
It was late, and cal had already fallen asleep when the thought of him leaving tomorrow hit. tears began to form in your eyes and run down your face uncontrollably. luckily they were quite tears so you wouldn't wake calum. you didn't want to be the reason he didn't enjoy himself on tour, you didn't want to be holding him back from having the full experience. you know what you needed to do even thought it was unthinkably hard.
The next morning was really hard, you couldn't even smile. one reason being that your best friends were leaving again, but the other was because you weren't sure how much longer they would be your best friends after they left. You already said your goodbyes to Luke and Mikey and they were on the bus. Ashton was still on the phone with his mom so he hadn't gotten on yet. It was just you and Calum. He gave you a kiss and the hugged you one last time. " im so sorry calum" you mumbled " what do you mean y/n" " calum, you are about to go on a world tour, and you don't need a naggy girlfriend holding you back. i can't be the reason you don't enjoy yourself, calum i think we need to" you were cut off by calum's soft low voice "don't say it" "breakup." you felt like you were going to be sick, you'd never thought those words would ever come from your mouth. " but y/n i love you and you love me that's all that matters. you are not at all holding me back, your giving me a reason to keep going" a small tear fell from his eye. no matter how easy it'd be to agree with calum, you couldn't. you had to do what's best for him. " calum-" "y/n i love you." you took a deep breath "calum i don't love you" these 5 words tore your heart in two. you did love him. more then anyone else in the whole world, he was the love of your life, your everything. but you had to say it. you had to have him think you didn't love him so he could move on to bigger and better things. his face went blank. tears streaming down both your faces. you wiped yours, took a breath and said " have a good time on the rest of your tour hood." you'd always call him hood when you were friends but that nickname kinda wasn't was associated with you two being just friends, that's why you used it. he turned around and walked onto the bus. you felt your heart sink and the tears coming at a more rapid pace now.
Ashton came over from the side of the bus, obviously hearing everything. he looked at you with soft but angry eyes. " you do love him. you just said that so he wouldn't try to stop you from breaking up with him. You put his well-being and his future in front of yours, despite your emotions" you just nodded. " I will love him till the day I die."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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