Part 7: Project

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Jade's POV

I was training with my psionic power when Harris stop me. "I have big new news for you" he started.

"What?" I replied. "You will meet the president tomorrow for some project." Harris continued. "What project?" I ask. "I don't know, you'll see. For that today is your break day." He said.Richard came over and took me back to my cubicle. 

It was my break so I decided to just sleep until next day because I haven't get much sleep lately and a lot of training have drained my energy. 

Daniel's POV

Today me and the boys were called early in the morning together like always for some test or training. But today we only trained for a little without any test. We were training when our blond hair and blue eye trainer Ken stop us.

"Okay listen up boys" He said upproaching us. We gathered in front of him. "So you guys are apart of project, and for that you'll be meeting the president tomorrow." He continued

Oh come on what now

"Because of that, today you'll be dismiss early and brought back to your cubicle. Get ready tomorrow after breakfast you'll be meeting him"He said before three soldier came and took us back to our cubicle. 

When we were back at our cubicle Jade was sleeping in her cubicle.I saw Zach keep staring her.

"Earth to Zach, earth to Zach" Corbyn started to snap him from his thought. "Oh uh what?" Zach replied. We just laugh at him. For the rest of the day we just talk until night before going to bed.

Skip to morning

Jade's POV

We were taken to the shower room as always. I took a shower, brush my teeth and dry my hair. Today I decided to just were the hoodie I wore when I got here and legging. We when back to our cubicle eat breakfast that was just some sandwich. After that I was immediately called with the boys near my cubicle by some soldier.

Are they also apart of the project?

They brought us in this lift and took us underground. We walk for a few minutes until we reach this one specific room. The door we guard by two soldier. They opened the door and bring us in. There he is sitting behind a desk. The president. For some reason anger started to fill my body. Maybe because he allowed all of this to happened. The soldiers open our handcuffed and stand behind us.

"Hello, children." The president started. "As you guys have been informed we brought you here for some special project. You guys have been chosen here because all five of you are one of the strongest teen that have these powers.Not only here but in the whole entire world." He said looking at each one of us. 

"I'm just going to read your names and please let me know if it's you." He continued taking a file from his desk. "Jade Heather" "Me" I replied. "Jonah Marais" . "That's me" The tall guy raised his hand. "Corbyn Besson" "Here" The blond hair boy reply. " Daniel Seavey" "Me" the ocean blue eye boy reply. "Jack Avery" "Me" The curly haired boy raised his hand. "Lastly, Zach Herron" "Me" The rosy cheek boy raised his hand.

So that's his name.

"Good" The president said closing the file and putting it back on his desk.We were then handcuffed back and they take us somewhere else. The president walks in front of us with two soldier each side of him. 

We then reach a new room. We went inside and the room has this huge cubicle on the side. The behind wall is white and in front of this cubicle stand a scientist waiting for us. He looks like he's around 30, he has orange hair and brown eyes.

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