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Just a tease on a new story I'm working on.

Hop you enjoy it :)


I rolled my eyes and the angry costumer.

"I'm sorry but we're all out." I replied as she glared at me angry.

"What do you mean your all out? Don't you have more out back? Can't you take just take it off the shelf?" She snapped.

I hate working in the food industry. People expect so much for you and all you can do is smile and apologize for being out of stupid wedge frys, by the look of it this lady didn't need more anyway.

"The truck don't come in till Tuesday, there's nothing i can do but offer you a raincheck." I replied in my costumer service voice.

"Stupid ignorant employed." She muttered under her breath as she walked away.

I rolled my eyes and glanced down at my phone .One missed phone call. Weird. I don't get to many of them, I pulled my apron from around my neck and went outside to call back.





"Hi nadiene, I heard you were looking for work?"

I nearly couldn't hold back my excitement. This is it my hard work is finally paying off!

"Tony! Indeed I am."

"That's great, I'm glad to hear. Here's the catch...It requires you to move."

The words rang in my ears, it requires your to move. This is what i'v been waiting for a new chapter in my life, a new start.

"Hello?" The voice replied

"Yes when do you need me?"

"As soon as possible."

"Great. I'll be there on Wednesday."

Just like that my life changed forever. I had to pack my bags and fly west to start the next chapter In My life.

"I'll send you an email tomorrow with all of the information, I'm glad you've accepted the job."

"Thank you for coinciding me for the position."

"I'll see you on Wednesday." Tony replied.

I put my phone back in my apron and ran inside.




I pulled my apron off and hugged my manager.

"Sorry Jason, I just got the call iv been waiting for. I'm movie to BC for work. It's been a slice and thank you for everything."

At this point you counts wipe the smile off my face if you tried.

" I'll finish this shift then I'm leaving on Wednesday."

The rest of my shift went by quickly and my smile was huge. No angry customer could wipe it off.

9PM came and I clocked out. My last shift, no more working in the food industry.

I text my mom explains my new job opportunity.

She was excited for me and booked my plain ticket.

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